New traffic study finds local roads can handle sports precinct

An independent traffic study into the impact of the Orange Regional Sports Precinct and parklands has found nearby roads have the capacity to handle traffic generated by the project.
The traffic study, prepared by consultants Premise, was lodged as part of the latest Development Application (DA) for the proposed new precinct. The latest DA lodged with Orange City Council also includes the design of the precinct’s new landscape master plan, prepared by landscape architects Taylor Brammer and outlines plans for tree removal and earthworks.
Orange Mayor Reg Kidd said he was pleased to see the results of the traffic study.
“It was expected that an important community facility attracting hundreds of families every weekend would have an impact on local traffic,” Cr Reg Kidd said. “I’m pleased to see the facts are on the table, which show local roads have the capacity to deal with the extra cars.”
The traffic study looked at current volumes using the road, and even after projecting for expected growth through to 2028, found there is enough capacity to handle the traffic generated by the sports precinct. The assessment is based on the current road network, which will be improved prior to the opening of the precinct through the expansion of the Southern Feeder Road, which will provide new access points to the precinct.
“This analysis comes from traffic experts and it’s important to have that considered as part of the DA. It’s important too that there will be enough car parking spaces to manage demand on a typical weekend,” Cr Kidd said.
Designs for the $25 million precinct include five new car parks with 1019 parking spaces and a bus drop off zone at the football stadium. The study estimates 716 cars would use the car parks when all eight fields are in use on a typical Saturday.
The DA also recommends a special event traffic management plan would be needed when hosting one-off major sporting events.
Orange City Council’s Sport & Recreation Committee chair, Cr Jason Hamling said there will be an opportunity for the community to comment on this latest stage of works when the DA goes on public exhibition for 28 days.
“While the community has been discussing this proposal for many months, it’s important that residents and community groups keep asking questions,” Cr Hamling said. “While planning authorities won’t be considering the details of the grandstand design or the location of the athletics track in this DA, the big-picture proposal of what’s planned is clearly there to be seen.”
Community feed-back will be included in the proposal when it’s sent to the NSW Heritage Council for consideration. It will then be considered by Orange City Council, before it’s sent to the Western Regional Planning Panel who will make the final decision on this DA. That process is expected to take between two and three months.
The traffic report supports the initial Council assessment on the suitability of the site.
The community consultation held as part of the DA assessment has now concluded.