Short-list for car park site
Each of the possible sites for a proposed new multi-level carpark in Orange has 'Pros & Cons'.
Which location do you think would be the best option to explore?
The ‘Woolies’ car park, between Anson and Sale Streets.
- Parking spaces right alongside key shopping areas
- Construction phase would involve significant disruption to neighbouring businesses
- Good potential for including ground-level or first-floor retail opportunities or even roof-top residential options
- May require demolition of building fronting Kite Street to provide increased car access
The ‘Ophir’ car park on the corner of Kite St and Lords Place
- Parking spaces right alongside key shopping area
- Construction phase would involve less disruption to neighbouring businesses
- Option of sky-bridge connection to shopping centre across Kite Street
- Good potential for including ground floor retail opportunities or even roof-top residential options
The Civic Centre car park, behind the Council offices in Lords Place
- Short walking distance to key shopping areas
- Close to Civic Square cultural spaces (Library/Museum/Gallery/Theatre and new conservatorium)
- Could offer parking for major events in Robertson park (Anzac day, night markets)
- Construction phase would involve disruption to nearby facilities
The vacant block of the former ‘Williams’ rural supply store in Peisley Street
- Close to Civic Square cultural spaces (Library/Museum/Gallery and new conservatorium). Further away from shopping centres.
- Construction phase would involve less disruption to neighbouring businesses
- Longer walking distance to shops
- Smaller site with less capacity
The Sale St car-park alongside the rear of the Ex-Services Club
- Parking spaces right alongside key shopping area
- Smaller site with less capacity
- Potential for exploring joint car park project with neighbouring land owners
- Construction phase would involve less disruption to neighbouring businesses
The car park in Little Summer St behind the fire station
- Close to businesses in the top block of the CBD
- No disruption to nearby businesses during construction phase.
The car park in Endsleigh Avenue opposite the former DPI building
- A short walk to transport hubs for trains and busses
- Alongside the new East Orange precinct
- No disruption to nearby businesses during construction phase.
Thank you for taking the time to be part of this consultation. The deadline for submissions has passed.
We will keep you updated with any developments regarding a proposed multi-level carpark.