My most frequently used library is:
In the past 12 months, I have visited the library or use one of its services (including its website and/or online services)
In the past 12 months, I have used these library services:
Overall I have found the library services and facilities to be:
What (if anything) would make the library and its services better?
What (if anything) is missing or frustrating about the library and its services?
In my experience I have found the
In my experience I have found the events & activities for
In my experience I have found the opening hours
In my experience, I have found the physical library space
In my experience, I have found the noise at the library to be
I ask for help from the library staff
Overall, the service from the library staff is
Other ways I find out what is happening in my library are
I am
I am aged
My main occupation is
The highest level of education I have completed is
Is there anything else would you like to tell us about the library and its services?
I would like to learn about what is happening in my library by
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