How will a change in speed zone affect travel times?
The speed limit in the CBD is 50 km/h however traffic counters placed on the road measuring the average speed of vehicles showed motorists rarely reached 50 km/h.
The highest speed (85 per cent of motorists were within this speed) was on Sale Street, between Kite Street and Summer Street, where vehicles travelled 47.5 km/h.
On Sale Street, between Kite Street and Summer Street vehicles travelled 39.6 km/h.
On Summer Street, between Sale Street and Anson Street, westbound, vehicles travelled 44.4km/h, in the opposite direction they travelled 47.2 km/h.
On Peisley Street north of Aldi shopping centre vehicles travelled 45 kilometres per hour and south of Aldi they travelled 43.2 km/h.
Based off these speeds, engineers calculated the difference in travel time to drive from one end of the CBD to the other.
In Summer Street, from Hill Street to Peisley Street, westbound, a change to a 40 km/h speed zone would increase travel times by 7.87 seconds. In the opposite direction it would increase travel times by 12.36 seconds.
In Sale Street from Kite Street to Byng Street and in Anson Street from Kite Street to Byng Street, travel times were unlikely to change.
In Lords Pace from Kite Street to Byng Street, the increase in travel time was between 1.98 seconds and 5.46 seconds.
In Peisley Street from Kite Street to Byng Street travel times would increase by between 2.93 seconds and 4.4 seconds.
Traffic counters have not been placed on Byng Street nor Kite Street.
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