Taxi rank to move to new Summer St location
Putting two elements of Orange’s public transport hubs in the same location and an increase in parking, are the reasons behind a proposal to move the Robertson Park taxi rank to a new location in Summer St, across the road from Benson’s Café.
As part of the next stage of the Future City CBD upgrade, the taxi rank would move to a new location on the northern side of Summer St, on the front end of the current bus stop.
The change would increase the amount of public parking in Lords Place but reduce the amount of parking in Summer Street by four spaces.
In Lords Place, the area now occupied by the taxi rank would then contain two extra disabled parking spaces, an extra pedestrian crossing and three regular car parks.
During business hours it’s expected the new Summer St taxi rank would provide room for around four taxis and more after hours when buses stop running.
The proposed change has the early support of the Orange Taxi Co-op, and Co-op chair Ged Dening.
“I was pleased when Orange City Council approached the co-op with this suggestion,” Mr Dening said. “It’s important for the safety of our drivers to be working from a very well lit-area.”
“After hours when the demand for our taxis is strongest, we’ll be able to use the entire bus zone area, and there’ll be much more room for cabs.
“Across our drivers, I’m sure there will be a variety of views about this change. I’m sure our regular customers will see it as a change for the better. The new rank will be more convenient and much closer to the shopping centres. ”
Thank you for your comments. This stage of the consultation has closed.
A report on this feedback is being prepared for Council.
This project will remain here for reference.