Housing: Questions for the community
Orange City Council wants to hear the views of the general community about the big-picture, future dimensions of housing. These issues include:
- Should housing in Orange go out, or in, or up?
- What styles of housing should the mix in Orange include?
- Should there be more infill housing? And in what parts of town?
- What kinds of high-rise housing would be attractive in Orange? How high should they be? Should they be built in convenient inner-city areas?
- Should the strategy include measures to address Orange’s shortage of social and community housing?
- What other housing issues are important for Orange’s future?
Two surveys to easily share your views on housing
To share your views on the big-picture future of housing in Orange, you can complete an easy survey here.
We're also interested in how the residents of Orange believe their own needs for housing will change in the future. You can share your views on this topic by completing a quick survey here.
This consultation has now concluded.