Housing : Questions for landowners
While the Local Housing Strategy will explore a range of options, a decision needs to be made whether the outer suburbs of Orange will continue to expand in future with traditional housing subdivisions or if the focus should be more towards infill opportunities and increasing density to some extent.
Along with the community, landowners and developers, Orange City Council aims to manage the process of meeting demand and efficiently supplying infrastructure such as water, sewer and roads.
Protection of the water catchment areas from housing development has been a long standing priority. The issue of water is important along with protecting prime agricultural land and ecological values.
Where should new housing areas be built?
Council would like to ensure that any areas identified for potential rezoning and development align as far as practicable with the intentions and preferences of landowners in and around the affected areas:
- Some landowners will want to explore the potential for their land for providing housing.
- Some landowners won’t be interested in this, preferring to maintain their current rural amenity.
Orange City Council wants to consult with, and hear the views of, people from both these camps.
The Council wants to avoid the potential for this housing growth to interfere with the factors that some residents value about their neighbourhood. The Council wants to protect the environment and making efficient use of infrastructure and Council resources.
With so many factors to balance Council needs to hear from landowners that may be interested in rezoning of their land during the 30 year lifetime of the strategy.
Importantly, registering an interest does not mean that your land will definitely be selected by the strategy.
Any particular area would be assessed against a wide range of criteria.
For example, there may be more land being offered for development than is needed. Other interested landowners may have land that is better suited (have lower environmental impacts or be easier to service), or the strategy may encourage more infill development of existing urban areas.
To help set these priorities, Council wants to hear from any interested landowner, whether for greenfield subdivision or infill development.
Submissions need not be highly detailed but a short description of the perceived potential, such as the size and possible number of lots or units that could be achieved.
All submissions will be considered on their merits in the next phase of the strategy.
The strategy will also consider sites where no submission is received if it appears to be a logical, efficient and appropriate site.
The results of these consultations will be provided to a professional consultant for further analysis, and to prepare a draft strategy for Council.
Submissions close on 24 August 2020 and should be addressed to:
Director Development Services
PO Box 35
Orange NSW
Council@orange.nsw.gov.au subject line: Local Housing Strategy
This page on the Council website includes general information about 'Making a Submission' to Orange City Council.
This consultation has now concluded.