Orange City Council’s road building season is well underway with three projects already completed and the $700,000 North Orange link road expected to be finished by early in the new year.
Orange City Council’s Infrastructure Committee chair Glenn Taylor said North Orange residents should notice the difference to traffic congestion by the end of January, weather permitting.
“The link road from Telopea Way to the western end of Diamond Drive will take the pressure off existing intersections particularly the corner of Farrell Road and Telopea Way,” Cr Taylor said.
“The good news is that this project is funded completely from developer contributions and is on top of the council’s record $15 million roads budget.
“When you buy a block of land in a nearby subdivision, a portion of the price of the block makes a contribution to the cost of neighbourhood infrastructure, so new home owners have contributed to the construction of that road.”
Meanwhile, the Council’s road crews have been taking advantage of the drier weather and getting on top of the smaller road repair jobs around the city.
Bletchington Street, between Spring and McLachlan is currently being rehabilitated, the intersection and approaches at Winter Street and Ophir Road have been completed, along with Summer Street east, Austin Street and Paling Street.
Byng Street, one of Orange's busiest streets is getting a hot mix seal over the next two days, while rehabilitation work is being done in Endeavour Avenue, from James Cook Avenue to Hill Street, Hill Street at the Endeavour Avenue intersection and a section of Gardiner Road west from Hill Street.
Work on Gardiner Road and Hill Street involves patching sections of the road in preparation for a larger resealing program scheduled for December.
Patching will also occur in Hill Street from Poplars Drive to Yellow Bow Way and Anson Street from Ophir Street to Casey Street.
From Monday crews will begin rehabilitation work in March Street from Sampson to Clinton Street.
“The council’s own road crews can get a head start and complete a range of road rehabilitation works with our specialized equipment, but in order to deliver such an ambitious program of works, some larger, more expensive upgrading works have to go out to tender and then the winning tender must be decided by the council at a council meeting,” Cr Taylor said.
Some of the larger jobs have gone to tender and are expected to come before the council soon, with tenders for Clergate Road upgrading closing this week and the tender for Burrendong Way upgrading advertised yesterday (Wednesday, November 9).
“We’re going full steam ahead ,” Cr Taylor said.
LINK ROAD: Matt Davis of KLMR working on the link road from Telopea Way to Diamond Drive.