Road upgrades underway

Byng Street is now surfaced in hot mix asphalt for six blocks from the Peisley Street roundabout through to Sampson Street, March Street has been upgraded and Forest Road is undergoing heavy patching.
Orange City Council’s Infrastructure Committee chair Cr Glenn Taylor said it was great to see the work on Byng Street completed.
“Work to rehabilitate that section of road began during the last road building season and now the weather has warmed up and the rain has eased off, the council has been able to finish it,” Cr Taylor.
“One of Orange’s busiest streets now has hot mix asphalt for six blocks.
“It’s important ratepayers get value out of the budget so the council uses the more expensive materials like hot-mix on roads that are used by the most people.
“It’d be great if we could afford to hot mix every road but tough decisions have to be made and that’s why we use hot mix on high traffic areas.”
March Street, from Hill Street to Sampson Street, has been upgraded and was sealed with two coats of a gravel/bitumen seal.
However, after the upgrade at March Street was completed, a water pipe underneath the road leaked and caused damage. Crews are waiting for the water to dry up before making a decision on whether they will re-do the section completely or whether they will need to re-seal only. .
Sections in Endeavour Avenue, Hill Street and Gardiner Road were completed last month with crews working on a Saturday to finish one of the busier intersections in that area.
“I’m happy to see that work is progressing quickly and because the weather has been clearer, the maintenance crews have also been able to catch up with the potholes.
“We’re only been going for about a month but we’ve already done five of the projects on the list for work,” Cr Taylor said.
Consultation has concluded