Top layer rolls out on key Orange road upgrade

October 12, 2017
Hot-mix seal is being applied onto Clergate Road this week, bringing the $2.8 million road upgrade ever closer to completion.
Federal Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Darren Chester said the upgrade, designed to improve traffic flow, would make the road safer and more accessible for the growing north Orange community.
“The Australian Government’s joint funding of this project under the Heavy Vehicle Safety and Productivity Program shows our commitment to delivering safer roads in regional areas such as Orange,” Mr Chester said.
Federal Member for Calare Andrew Gee said the project’s completion – with only minor finishing works such as lighting remaining – would cater for future growth in the region’s northern suburbs.
“Residents of Orange will welcome this upgrade which delivers a fit for purpose road now used as the main thoroughfare for the city’s northern areas,” Mr Gee said.
Orange mayor Reg Kidd has welcomed the latest milestone on the Clergate Rd project.
“It’s great that the end of this project is now in sight,” Cr Reg Kidd said. “Clergate Road started its life as a narrow rural country lane. This project now includes a major drainage upgrade, better street-lighting and a much-improved intersection where Clergate Rd meets Farrell Road.”
“The higher standard of this road puts it in a good condition to work hard for the people of Orange for many years to come. The joint-funding of this project is a great story of co-operation and partnership with the federal government and I thank Andrew Gee for his commitment to working for the region.”
Stage 1 of the project would see a rebuild of a 750-metre section of Clergate Road from Quartz Street towards the Northern Distributor Road.
Construction on the project started in February 2017 and will be complete by mid-December. The project is being jointly funded by the Australian Government and Orange City Council.
For more information about the Heavy Vehicle Safety and Productivity Program, visit
HOT MIX: Contractors apply hot mix asphalt to 750 metres of Clergate Road.
Consultation has concluded