How can I participate in online consultations?

    If this is your first time visiting the 'YOUR SAY Orange' Hub, you can browse throughout the site, but if you wish to leave a comment, or join in an online discussion you will need to register.

    To register, simply click on the Register button.

    When prompted, create a Username and Password of your choice, provide a valid email address and the town/city location where you live.

    If you leave a comment, it may be posted alongside your username.

    If privacy is a concern for you, we recommend that you create an anonymous username

    If you have previously registered, simply click on the Sign In button located on the right hand side of the top tool bar.

    Why should I sign up?

    By signing up you will receive regular updates on how your contributions are helping shape the future of Spring Hill.

    What happens to my feedback? Will my views be listened to?

    All comments, ideas and suggestions are collated and used to inform Council decision-making processes when new strategies, programs and activities are explored.

    Online feedback is used in conjunction with other face-to-face consultation activities such as workshops, meetings, open days or surveys.

    Is my privacy protected?

    Yes. Your privacy is absolutely protected.

    Orange City Council and the operators of the site ('Bang the Table') will only use your email to invite you to participate in new projects and update you on existing projects.  Your email address will not be used for any other purpose.

    If you choose to add a comment or write in the guestbook, your comments may be posted online alongside your user-name. 

    More information is available in our Privacy Policy.(External link)