New plan for 'The Springs' up for community comment
A new plan to guide the development of an historic site with significance for Orange’s indigenous community, is suggesting the installation of public art alongside a walking trail, south of Orange.
The new Heritage Landscape Plan for ’The Springs’ was drafted by expert history consultants in consultation with community members.
Orange City Council has now put the draft plan out for community comment.
Orange Mayor Reg Kidd believes it’s important for the local community to protect sites that tell stories of Orange’s history.
“The area known as ‘The Springs’ has an interesting story to tell from the depression era, about how both indigenous families and impoverished white families lived together in a shanty settlement during the Great Depression,” Cr Reg Kidd said. “It was a rural site that was alongside some orchards and had a good supply of fresh water.”
“It was a place that families who lived remembered for being peaceful, away from busy nearby city of Orange.”
“We now want to put some guidelines in place and seek some government funding to make the most of that site and its history.”
“Now’s the time to check these plans with the community. It’s always possible that the consultation so far has missed community members who’d like to have their say. We’d love to find out some more about what’s planned and let us know what they think.
“People can go to the YourSay Orange site, read some more about it, leave a comment or fill in a quick survey.”
The Springs Heritage Landscape Plan pulls together recommendations from the:
- Archeological Field Assessment Survey and Heritage Study,
- the Conservation Management Plan and
- the results of community consultation
into a single document to guide the protection and enhancement of The Springs over the next 20 years.
Consultation has concluded