Sport & recreation upgrades top list of community suggestions

21 May 2018
The development of a better range of sport and recreation opportunities, together with new steps to improve Orange’s sense of community, protect the environment, improve roads and enhance local parks, were the top suggestions for the future to come from the wide-ranging ‘Where to Next’ community conversation.
FACE TO FACE : A series of community meetings were held as part of the Where to Next? community conversation.
In a blend of on-line dialogue, pop-up sessions at markets and face-to-face meetings, hundreds of local residents contributed suggestions and voted thousands of times on the ideas of other people.
Details of hundreds of community suggestions have been outlined in two new draft reports, which group the community contributions into themes and topics. The 15 May council meeting voted to put the two reports on display for community comment.
Orange Mayor Reg Kidd said he was delighted with the broad range of ideas that have come from the community.
“I’m impressed by the time and effort that so many of local residents have put in to be a part of this conversation,” Cr Reg Kidd said. “The suggestions have been grouped together into a list of themes and joint-topics so they can guide future action.
“The process of a resident making a suggestion is just one part of the process. It’s still up to the council and the whole community to wrestle through with the difficult decision of weighing up competing priorities and finding the money to pay for one of a number of good ideas.”
“The CSP report describes the process when individual ideas and suggestions are funnelled into themes, and developed into big-picture objectives and actions. The task of weighing-up projects against other priorities will see some ideas happen and perhaps other others put on the back-burner.”
The suggestions have been assembled under four big-pictures themes : Live, Preserve, Prosper and Collaborate.
The Orange community can now make any comment about the draft plans before they are adopted at a future council meeting.
Residents can :
- Complete a quick survey, or
- Leave a comment about any aspect of the draft plan
The deadline for community comments on the new CSP is Tuesday 12 June.
** Read a summary of the key ideas here.
** Find out how suggestions can be translated into concrete actions here.
Consultation has concluded