Orange businesses share info in online directory project
Dozens of Orange businesses have started sharing information to participate in a confidential online survey.
The survey is aimed at gathering information about the main products and services of the business to identify advantages to be gained from industries working together to optimise their supply chain.
So far more than seventy Orange business have completed the survey.
Mark Thompson, Managing Director with Orange Precision Metalcraft* (OPM) is urging local businesses to look at the survey.
“OPM routinely transports tonnes of materials to Orange for the stainless steel fabrication part of our businesses. It’s a possibility that there are other local business in the same boat with their products and that we could look at options like sharing transport costs or getting a better price for bigger qualities of steel.”
OPPORTUNITIES : OPM Managing Director Mark Thompson.
When OPM delivers new equipment to a customer anywhere in the state, Mark Thompson said, the delivery truck often comes back to Orange without a load.
“If this directory helps businesses in the Orange region to save money by some simple co-operation, then that’s a good thing,” Mark Thompson said. “It took only minutes when I filled out the online survey. I’m looking forward to seeing the end result.”
Online surveys will be distributed during May and June 2017, and may be followed up with face-to-face meetings with certain businesses. If your business would like to participate in the survey, you can access it online.
Orange City Council Employment and Economic Development Committee chair, Cr Jeff Whitton, believes there is huge potential for the new ‘Supply Directory’ to help local business grow.
“Keeping it local makes so much sense when it comes to buying the goods and services you need to run your business,” Cr Jeff Whitton said.
“The new directory aims to conveniently deliver information that can match businesses where there may be common needs for goods and services. It might be coordination of transport and other logistical elements.”
“This is a great opportunity for businesses to buy and sell their products and services more cost effectively locally, or cooperatively with other local businesses” Cr Jeff Whitton said.
The 'Supply Directory' project is being jointly funded by Orange City Council and the NSW Department of Industry under the Murray Darling Basin Regional Economic Diversification Program (Energise Enterprise Fund).
As part of the project Orange City Council will also host workshops during June/July to facilitate introductions between businesses identified as potentially having common needs.
“The overall aim is to create efficiencies in supply chain management, and promote growth in jobs and wealth for the greater Orange region,” Jeff Whitton said.
Further information about the project: Supply Directory Project Manager, Kellie Pickering 6393 8279
Or email:
*Orange Precision Metalcraft was founded in 1974 and has established a reputation as a supplier of high quality industrial products. Orange Precision Metalcraft are involved in all aspects of metalwork fabrication, from inception through to finished product, and is currently employing 35 staff at its Orange factory.
ONLINE DIRECTORY : Managing Director Mark Thompson and Cr Jeff Whitton want local businesses to join in the directory project.
Consultation has concluded