The story so far

Mayor Jason Hamling said he’s pleased this latest stage of the FutureCity CBD upgrade has come after years of design work and community consultation.

“This plan for the future of Lords Place builds on the research and ideas that have been assembled since 2018 when urban designers SJB told us we should make the changes to attract more people to spend more time in our CBD,” Cr Jason Hamling said. “In 2020 the Council adopted the FutureCity plan to make the heart of the city more pedestrian friendly, to reduce the reliance on private cars as the main way of getting around our CBD.”

At that stage there was strong support (94%) for the FutureCity idea of attracting people to spend more time in the CBD.

“After making key progress in McNamara Street, Byng Street and the block of Lords Place north of Summer Street, the next cab off the rank is Lords Place South."

Council talked to businesses and the community in 2021 and received feedback that has shaped the priorities of this latest design.

You can check out the ideas and priorities that were floated on YourSay in 2021 here.

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