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Consultation has concluded
Orange City Council has unveiled the next stage of its FutureCity upgrade of Orange’s CBD, a bold plan to transform the section of Lords Place, between Summer and Kite Streets, into a place for meeting.
The project, which could begin as soon as October, will include:
New plantings of advanced trees which will almost double the number of trees in the block
New traffic arrangements designed to transform the area into a pedestrian-friendly precinct
Outdoor dining zones on raised platforms in selected areas along the block
Improved street lighting
Expanded gardens with street furniture
The Council has started visiting business operators and property owners along the block, to spell out details of the plans and seek their feedback.
The concept plan was considered by a Council meeting on 6 September. That Council meeting decided to put the plans on exhibition for community comment.
A community forum is also planned for Wednesday 21 September (6pm) in the Civic Theatre foyer.
The deadline for this community consultation is 28 September, 2022. A report on the community response will be presented to a Council meeting in October and, if approved, work would begin soon after.
Here you can:
find out more about the concept plans for Lords Place South
see artist's impressions of how the street will look
And, have your say by:
completing a quick online survey
leaving an online comment.
Orange City Council has unveiled the next stage of its FutureCity upgrade of Orange’s CBD, a bold plan to transform the section of Lords Place, between Summer and Kite Streets, into a place for meeting.
The project, which could begin as soon as October, will include:
New plantings of advanced trees which will almost double the number of trees in the block
New traffic arrangements designed to transform the area into a pedestrian-friendly precinct
Outdoor dining zones on raised platforms in selected areas along the block
Improved street lighting
Expanded gardens with street furniture
The Council has started visiting business operators and property owners along the block, to spell out details of the plans and seek their feedback.
The concept plan was considered by a Council meeting on 6 September. That Council meeting decided to put the plans on exhibition for community comment.
A community forum is also planned for Wednesday 21 September (6pm) in the Civic Theatre foyer.
The deadline for this community consultation is 28 September, 2022. A report on the community response will be presented to a Council meeting in October and, if approved, work would begin soon after.
Here you can:
find out more about the concept plans for Lords Place South
see artist's impressions of how the street will look
Here, you can leave a comment about the plans for Lords Place South.
You can also read comments left by others, and respond to them.
To make sure this community engagement is as accurate as it can be, you will have to register with YourSay Orange to leave a comment.
Registering with YourSay Orange is quick and easy. Once you click the 'Leave a comment', simply follow the prompts to add a screen name and an email address.
The deadline for completing this survey is 28 September, 2022.
Consultation has concluded
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I was completing the survey when I press the Enter button by accident. I hadn't completed the survey and was up to the question about street lighting. Overall, I'm very supportive of the changes proposed. Anything we can do to get people out of cars and walking around the CBD is going to be good for people's health, the environment and local businesses. If anything, the proposed changes don't go far enough, but they're a great start.
over 2 years ago
ECCO (Environmentally Concerned Citizens of Orange) is encouraged to see Council embracing a vision for the future of our CBD with a more people friendly streetscape, more walkable, more visually attractive and appealing, and not dominated by motor vehicles. First and foremost, ECCO supports the increased number of large shade trees, which are essential in increasing urban tree canopy and mitigating heat impacts. The implementation of this precinct plan is an integral component of the creation of a green streetscape canopy, ultimately from Byng St through to Moulder St. ECCO would like to have seen a more innovative street design with a central median strip with shade trees, particularly towards Summer St, all-weather overhead footpath protection, and use of appropriately located evergreen trees and shrubs for wind protection. ECCO hopes the proposed changes to Lords Place South will result in covered parking solutions being developed within easy and protected walking distance of this precinct, which will benefit the whole CBD and contribute to the sustainability of CBD businesses.
over 2 years ago
Ill have another go. Submit before I finish!!!! I agree with Terry Maxwell - council will do whatever they want. Any council who puts in gold balls over upkeep of our terrible roads needs to be looked at seriously. I don't remember being asked about gold ball installation. This is MY RATES. I've tried to complete a survey - but submitted before I got through a sentence. Good one - how to eliminate negative or any response. WE NEED MORE CAR PARKING NOT LESS - NOT ROCKET SCIENCE.
over 2 years ago
Parking is the issue. I tried to park in the Kite St carpark at about 10 today (first day of the school holidays) and there were no spaces! Take out more from Lords Place and it will be worse. And if, as reported today, there are plans to build a multistorey carpark, the existing one will be out of action for a couple of years making parking in the area impossible. Perhaps the carpark under the city centre could have a walkway opened into Lords Place?
over 2 years ago
I would rather see our rates spent on fixing roads, footpaths, and our very old water and drainage systems, to make Orange a better place overall, than on things like this. We have footpaths that are major trip hazards that have not been tending other than paint on hazards for at least 10 years. Our roads have already been narrowed such that we are experiencing traffic jams at times. Those of us who are aging and less mobile need better access, not reduced and distant parking. What percent of Orange residents would patronise outdoor dining? And for how much of the year - given our climate?
over 2 years ago
There are an increasing number of vehicles of increasing size in the CBD. If left without management we'll soon be knocking down buildings to make way for cars, not the other way around. The plan is a good start, and probably doesnt't go far enough, but it's a start. Getting the large supermarkets and building supply businesses and car workshops out of the inner CBD probably also makes sense. Everything is a balance, and tuning the businesses in the targeted areas to suit the overall strategy also will help. The probability is that autonomous services will arrive in 5 - 10 years. Planning for a reduced need for close-by parking and more walking clearly makes sense (given that the plan will likely be setting the picture for the next 20 years). Baing more walkable is good for the businesses in the area and will also attract businesses who will benefit from this. Overall it's a good start.
over 2 years ago
Is there really any point in voicing out opinion. You’re going to vote on this regardless of what we say & you're going to waste ratepayers money on this.
Terry Maxwell
over 2 years ago
there is no cycling lanes in there
over 2 years ago
I like it. Limiting parking times in Lords Place will help takeaway businesses. Sometimes you just need to pick up and drop off. More kerbside drop off / pick up spaces around the CBD could prevent a lot of unsafe double parking. Bring it on.
Thomas Patrick
over 2 years ago
Updating Loofds is good in concept however Orange is already short of parking spaces. Council need to compliment the spaces taken by providing additional spaces in the CBD
over 2 years ago
My survey submitted half way through without me completing it and now won’t let me change it. I want to have my survey reset so I can complete it properly. The residents of orange deserve to be heard in full
over 2 years ago
Don't agree with this. Orange is too cold for too long to eat outside - and we are already well catered for, for that style of relaxation. There aren't many shopping businesses in that block. We need more car spaces NOT LESS. This is a main thoroughfare, don't - please keep it that way.
over 2 years ago
There is no need to upgrade anything until all roads have been fixed otherwise you will see more accidents happen. There are a lot of people dodging potholes. Potholes do damage cars when holes are too deep. Fix roads first is the main priority for this town. Not upgrading certain streets to make our town look nice. We are not Sydney
Danielle hall
over 2 years ago
We live in a country regional town where the majority of our citizens drive or ride bikes into town. Council seems all too happy to encourage development on the fringes of town but now proposes that more people walk to town? Deliberately reducing carparks and pushing people out to non-existent or full carparks, is only going to backfire on CBD businesses. This will be particularly the case for those professional services firms on Lords Place. It’s all too convenient to suggest that Lords Place is an eat street. These businesses see elderly and vulnerable members of the community. Suggesting they walk a “short 400 metres” just isn’t good enough. Shifting the failed proposal from Anson Street to Lords Place isn’t the solution.
over 2 years ago
we are losing car spaces and causing traffic problems in other streets paisley st and anson st
over 2 years ago
As Orange continues to extend North/South, how will our emergency services get from North Orange to the hospital if the roads are bottlenecked with no where for cars to pull over to. Keep our beautiful wide streets and just implement pedestrian links in the middle of the road such as byng street ( but no median strip). As people have said, Orange is car dependent and if we can't drive, then the CBD will end up dead as I would NOT like to eat outside in the middle of winter when outdoor heaters do not warm you up
over 2 years ago
I cannot understand why Lords Place would be chosen as an "eat street" at the moment there are more commercial businesses there than eateries. There are a few coffee shops, a Thai, Chinese and Alfio's I fail to see what would be enjoyable, sitting in a mostly shaded cold street that only gets a limited number of direct sunlight hours due to the surrounding infrastructure. I don't reject the idea of beautifying the street I just don't feel Lords Place a north south street is the correct choice. Yes, heaters can be erected but that then exposes what a silly and non-green idea it is.
over 2 years ago
I believe it would be a mistake to make the Lords Place/Kite St Roundabout one lane when approaching from Lords Place. That it what was done at Lords Place/Byng St Roundabout. It holds up the flow of traffic through the roundabout causing it to back up at times
Geoff Hamilton
over 2 years ago
A much simpler (and cheaper) way of planning for a FutureCity and improving pedestrian experience in the CBD is to get the heavy transports (semitrailers) out of Summer Street. It's time to encourage heavy transports to use the Distributor Road.
John Seaman
over 2 years ago
I've visited many country towns and cities and most have implemented similar schemes, hey make it a pleasure to visit and experience their town.
I was completing the survey when I press the Enter button by accident. I hadn't completed the survey and was up to the question about street lighting. Overall, I'm very supportive of the changes proposed. Anything we can do to get people out of cars and walking around the CBD is going to be good for people's health, the environment and local businesses. If anything, the proposed changes don't go far enough, but they're a great start.
ECCO (Environmentally Concerned Citizens of Orange) is encouraged to see Council embracing a vision for the future of our CBD with a more people friendly streetscape, more walkable, more visually attractive and appealing, and not dominated by motor vehicles.
First and foremost, ECCO supports the increased number of large shade trees, which are essential in increasing urban tree canopy and mitigating heat impacts.
The implementation of this precinct plan is an integral component of the creation of a green streetscape canopy, ultimately from Byng St through to Moulder St.
ECCO would like to have seen a more innovative street design with a central median strip with shade trees, particularly towards Summer St, all-weather overhead footpath protection, and use of appropriately located evergreen trees and shrubs for wind protection.
ECCO hopes the proposed changes to Lords Place South will result in covered parking solutions being developed within easy and protected walking distance of this precinct, which will benefit the whole CBD and contribute to the sustainability of CBD businesses.
Ill have another go. Submit before I finish!!!!
I agree with Terry Maxwell - council will do whatever they want.
Any council who puts in gold balls over upkeep of our terrible roads needs to be looked at seriously. I don't remember being asked about gold ball installation. This is MY RATES. I've tried to complete a survey - but submitted before I got through a sentence. Good one - how to eliminate negative or any response.
Parking is the issue. I tried to park in the Kite St carpark at about 10 today (first day of the school holidays) and there were no spaces! Take out more from Lords Place and it will be worse. And if, as reported today, there are plans to build a multistorey carpark, the existing one will be out of action for a couple of years making parking in the area impossible. Perhaps the carpark under the city centre could have a walkway opened into Lords Place?
I would rather see our rates spent on fixing roads, footpaths, and our very old water and drainage systems, to make Orange a better place overall, than on things like this. We have footpaths that are major trip hazards that have not been tending other than paint on hazards for at least 10 years. Our roads have already been narrowed such that we are experiencing traffic jams at times. Those of us who are aging and less mobile need better access, not reduced and distant parking. What percent of Orange residents would patronise outdoor dining? And for how much of the year - given our climate?
There are an increasing number of vehicles of increasing size in the CBD. If left without management we'll soon be knocking down buildings to make way for cars, not the other way around. The plan is a good start, and probably doesnt't go far enough, but it's a start. Getting the large supermarkets and building supply businesses and car workshops out of the inner CBD probably also makes sense. Everything is a balance, and tuning the businesses in the targeted areas to suit the overall strategy also will help. The probability is that autonomous services will arrive in 5 - 10 years. Planning for a reduced need for close-by parking and more walking clearly makes sense (given that the plan will likely be setting the picture for the next 20 years). Baing more walkable is good for the businesses in the area and will also attract businesses who will benefit from this. Overall it's a good start.
Is there really any point in voicing out opinion. You’re going to vote on this regardless of what we say & you're going to waste ratepayers money on this.
there is no cycling lanes in there
I like it. Limiting parking times in Lords Place will help takeaway businesses. Sometimes you just need to pick up and drop off. More kerbside drop off / pick up spaces around the CBD could prevent a lot of unsafe double parking. Bring it on.
Updating Loofds is good in concept however Orange is already short of parking spaces. Council need to compliment the spaces taken by providing additional spaces in the CBD
My survey submitted half way through without me completing it and now won’t let me change it. I want to have my survey reset so I can complete it properly. The residents of orange deserve to be heard in full
Don't agree with this. Orange is too cold for too long to eat outside - and we are already well catered for, for that style of relaxation. There aren't many shopping businesses in that block.
We need more car spaces NOT LESS. This is a main thoroughfare, don't - please keep it that way.
There is no need to upgrade anything until all roads have been fixed otherwise you will see more accidents happen. There are a lot of people dodging potholes. Potholes do damage cars when holes are too deep. Fix roads first is the main priority for this town. Not upgrading certain streets to make our town look nice. We are not Sydney
We live in a country regional town where the majority of our citizens drive or ride bikes into town. Council seems all too happy to encourage development on the fringes of town but now proposes that more people walk to town? Deliberately reducing carparks and pushing people out to non-existent or full carparks, is only going to backfire on CBD businesses. This will be particularly the case for those professional services firms on Lords Place. It’s all too convenient to suggest that Lords Place is an eat street. These businesses see elderly and vulnerable members of the community. Suggesting they walk a “short 400 metres” just isn’t good enough. Shifting the failed proposal from Anson Street to Lords Place isn’t the solution.
we are losing car spaces and causing traffic problems in other streets paisley st and anson st
As Orange continues to extend North/South, how will our emergency services get from North Orange to the hospital if the roads are bottlenecked with no where for cars to pull over to. Keep our beautiful wide streets and just implement pedestrian links in the middle of the road such as byng street ( but no median strip). As people have said, Orange is car dependent and if we can't drive, then the CBD will end up dead as I would NOT like to eat outside in the middle of winter when outdoor heaters do not warm you up
I cannot understand why Lords Place would be chosen as an "eat street" at the moment there are more commercial businesses there than eateries. There are a few coffee shops, a Thai, Chinese and Alfio's I fail to see what would be enjoyable, sitting in a mostly shaded cold street that only gets a limited number of direct sunlight hours due to the surrounding infrastructure. I don't reject the idea of beautifying the street I just don't feel Lords Place a north south street is the correct choice. Yes, heaters can be erected but that then exposes what a silly and non-green idea it is.
I believe it would be a mistake to make the Lords Place/Kite St Roundabout one lane when approaching from Lords Place. That it what was done at Lords Place/Byng St Roundabout. It holds up the flow of traffic through the roundabout causing it to back up at times
A much simpler (and cheaper) way of planning for a FutureCity and improving pedestrian experience in the CBD is to get the heavy transports (semitrailers) out of Summer Street. It's time to encourage heavy transports to use the Distributor Road.
I've visited many country towns and cities and most have implemented similar schemes, hey make it a pleasure to visit and experience their town.