Proposed changes to fees and charges

Council offered a range of user pays services such as childcare, venue hire, pool use, theatre costs and development application admin fees.
Each year the fees Council charges residents and user group is assessed and in some cases the fees rise and in some cases they stay the same or are reduced.
All the proposed fees and charges can be found by downloading this document.
The below list are some highlighted proposed changes.
If you'd like to have your say on the changes make sure you go to the 'make a comment' section of this page.
- Childcare fees (long day care) - 5 per cent increase to $105 per day
- Occasional Care - 5.56 per cent increase to $9.50 per hour
- Choices at home (return outings in the Orange LGA) - 50 per cent decrease to $5.
- Choice at home (home pick-up each way) - 50 per cent decrease to $2
- Orange Aquatic Centre general admission - Adult - increase of 1.45 per cent to $7
- Orange Aqustic Centre general admission - Child - increase of 2.04 per cent to $5
- Orange Aquatic Centre 12 month family swim membership - no change - $1,309
- Orange Civic Theatre hire - performances Monday to Friday - increase of 1.69 per cent to $900
- Orange Function Centre Hire - Monday to Friday - increase of 1.81 per cent to $1,110
- Registration fee for a desexed pet - no increase - $57
- Registration fee for a non-desexed pet - no change - $207
- Pound fees - cat per night - no change - $35
- Pound fees - dog per night - no change $30
The period for community consultation on the 2019 Draft Budget has concluded. A report on the community response will be considered by staff and presented to the 25 June council meeting.