Budget 2019

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The period for community consultation on the 2019 Draft Budget has concluded. A report on the community response will be considered by staff and presented to the 25 June council meeting.

Orange City Council's annual budget for the 2019/2020 financial year is now on display for community comment.

Members of the community are invited to make comments or formal submissions about any aspect of the council's income-producing and spending plans.

On this site you can find out more about the budget by:

You can have your say by:

The deadline for budget submissions is 12 June.

A report on the community feed-back will be considered by the Council meeting on 25 June.

Orange City Council's annual budget for the 2019/2020 financial year is now on display for community comment.

Members of the community are invited to make comments or formal submissions about any aspect of the council's income-producing and spending plans.

On this site you can find out more about the budget by:

You can have your say by:

The deadline for budget submissions is 12 June.

A report on the community feed-back will be considered by the Council meeting on 25 June.

Guest Book

You can have your say about any aspect of Orange City Council's 2019/20 draft budget.

When making suggested changes to the budget, please keep in mind that Orange City Council is committed to returning  a balanced budget. Increasing funding in one area will  result in less funds being available in another.  

In order to leave your comment in this section of the site, you'll need to register with YourSay Orange, by entering a screen name and your email address. If you've registered before, that will let you make a contribution on this topic. 

While there is currently a budget surplus, this may be impacted by unexpected  extra costs during the coming year.

The deadline for comments is 12 June

You can also complete a brief survey on the budget by clicking on the 'Budget 2019 Survey' tab.
The period for community consultation on the 2019 Draft Budget has concluded. A report on the community response will be considered by staff and presented to the 25 June council meeting.
You need to be signed in to comment in this Guest Book. Click here to Sign In or Register to get involved

Given that Member for Orange, Phil Donato, is pushing to have an Aerial Fire Fighting Appliance brought to Orange in order to better address the fact that there is now several multi storey buildings which in the event of fire will need one of these trucks to effectively fight the fire, perhaps Orange City Council should be considering what will be the future for the current fire station. It is already full with the three current trucks not to mention the fact that it is so out of date. If I am correct the current station was erected in 1893 and has served it's pupose but a new station is now long overdue. Hope we don't leave it until its too late!

Paul Cox about 5 years ago

A ramp is urgently needed at the taxi rank in Lords Place to enable ease of use for people with mobility aids and parents with strollers. There is only a high gutter access which is not easy to use. Thank you. Jan Hayes

Jan Hayes about 5 years ago

Orange Public School Infants desperately needs a Pedestrian Refuge in the middle of the pedestrian Crossing as well as a medium strip to stop right hand turns into the old netball courts car park It is very dangerous and sooner or later a person will get hit or even worse a child will get hit or possibly killed there and it will be too late I have been told that Orange City Council are removing traffic islands and medium strips outside of schools as it is causing confusion with motorists which is a load of hogwash as it will cause chaos and create a dangerous president

david058 about 5 years ago

If Council insist on installing bicycle lanes in and around Orange they should bear in mind that these need to be maintained on a regular basis. By maintain I mean be repainted so that motorists can see that they are in fact bicycle lanes. For example look at the lanes on McLachlan Street and Icely road in East Orange, you can't really see the signs on the roadway unlike the lanes in West Orange.

Stuart Glasson about 5 years ago

The airport passenger lounge really sgoukd gave free wifi access. We’ve just had a month in the UK and everywhere has it- public spaces, government buildings, airports, train stations etc. my wifi access was recently playing up - my plane was delayed by two hours and I couldn’t use my phone or do any work. A lot of business people travel as well as tourists. It really should be provided.

Macca about 5 years ago

A whole street, say 500 metre or more of Japanese cherry blossom trees to attract Australian and overseas visitors every spring. This would complement the local cherry orchard industry.

wayneclements about 5 years ago

A good quality running track in the park at the corner of spring street and algona crescent. This eould complement the exercise facilities in this park and would be used by local kids and adults. It must be high quailty and low maintenance. To get maximum impact/benefit involve the locals kids and adults who use the existing exercise facilities in the design.

wayneclements about 5 years ago

I too would like to see a playground built in the Wentworth Estate, I have 4 grandchildren in the estate and would love to be able to take them to play at a playground that we can safely walk to. Playgrounds should be a part of every subdivision to encourage the children within our community to be healthy and active. The Wentworth Estate has been established for many years, time to complete it with an area for the kids.

Jim H about 5 years ago

The Budget should allow for immediate significant upgrades to the Woolies (Council owned) car park to make it safer for movement of pedestrians, reconfiguration of car parking for easier access, landscaping (including shade trees) to improve the visual appearance, and the preparation of a longer term plan to develop multi deck covered parking with high rise apartments (ie review and update previous approved plan)

Neil about 5 years ago

Would love to see a playground built in the Wentworth Estate area. As a Mum of a 5 year old and a toddler, the playground would be a great addition to this already family oriented neighbourhood. My kids love being outside, so having a playground that we can walk to rather than packing up the car and driving to a park/playground would be the icing on the cake of this already great area.

KM about 5 years ago

Please put a playground in the Wentworth Estate. The children living in this area need a playground that they can walk to and not have to drive to. Please council, so many of the estates residents are crying out for a playground.

Anne H about 5 years ago

I would also like to see an island reconsidered for the OPS infants school crossing. Even with a ‘lollipop man’ there morning and afternoon, the crossing is massive and cars regularly speed through there when children are crossing. It is an accident waiting to happen. It is a busy crossing on a major road, and our children and crossing attendants are at serious risk!

Sarah Wright about 5 years ago

Something desperately needs to be done in regards to the Woolworths carpark in anson street. Council please reopen the 2005 draft plan on the multistorey carpark with offices, apartments, retail and parking. Orange needs this as the carpark is getting very dated and we deserve better. Myself and many other people have continuously put this idea out there to council but not even a announcement has been made on any multistorey carpark plans. What’s happening to retail council? Are you listening to the community? What a waste of everyone’s time o comment when where not even being heard.😡

Ellio1466 about 5 years ago

Please consider allocating funds to construct a children's playground in Wentworth Estate. There is a fantastic opportunity for the addition of a playground within the vicinity of the Wetlands, either adjacent to the bus stop on Sterling Avenue or the block at the corner of Sterling Avenue and Isaac Drive. Given the number of families with children who live in the immediate area and who visit the Wetlands, this project would have tremendous community support.

bruce_barkworth about 5 years ago

We'd like to see additional off leash dog exercise areas, there's a large empty space in Stirling Ave that backs Wentworth wetlands that could be part fenced for an exercise area. This space would only require fencing on 2 sides and a gate.

Further, children's play areas in the Wentworth area could be expanded, there is a little in place already at the Corner of Stirling Ave and Issac Drive with plenty of space to expand. Lots of growing young families call the area home now.

jjsbrown about 5 years ago

There is a round about in phillip st / Anson st . It looks terrible , not maintained no flowers or shrubs or anything really . The worst looking roundabout in Orange. Please brighten it up for it's the gateway to north Orange and a main Rd .

Shellbie about 5 years ago

The bulky waste program is much needed. Not everyone has the means to take items to the RRC. In addition , facilitating responsible disposal will help to reduce the dangerous eyesores of illegal dumping in our forests and recreation areas

Bec2912 about 5 years ago

I would like to see a playground built in the Wentworth Estate. I have a young family myself and live in this area. We have the perfect space available in the vacant land opposite the wetlands and I feel that a playground in this position would complete the wetlands walk. Would love to see our rates go towards something that our families can enjoy.

RichardV about 5 years ago

A footpath is needed on Hill Rd from south of the Botanical Gardens to join up with the footpath closer to the main town Centre.

Ros Calder about 5 years ago

We need a big ticket event annually . Like lovedale in the Hunter Valley do with their long lunch.
We need something that is a major draw card. A music concert at a local winery would be exactly something to draw in crowds to Orange . Having lived here a year and a half I often wish I had moved to Bathurst as there is SO little to do in orange on weekends that don’t involve food or wine . It would be great to have concerts here. I would seperate us as an area that crowds can come to and enjoy music . It would give Orange a much needed tourism lift. And money in or age from tourism could lead to jobs for youth. At events . Or indeed something for our youth to be involved in and enjoy meaningfully.
There is nothing for teens . Nothing for families to do and enjoy. We enjoy lake Canobolas and Walks but honestly family outings are done in other areas as we really don’t find that there is much in that interests a family in Orange .

Time to focus on our youth and strategically thinking about how to make Orange a Drawcard or we will be left behind further in the shadow that Bathurst casts over us .

Look at what Hope estate do for music concerts.

Have a youth theatre group that do a number of shows a year .

A youth music festival - an under 18’s event that is heavily checked for drugs etc. lots of security around and strictly under 18’s - but allows kids to do dj’ing at the event and to attend and dance. To socialise in their way.

tlb19758 about 5 years ago