Budget 2024

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The period for community consultation on the 2024/25 Draft Budget has now  concluded. A report on the community response will be presented to Council at a meeting in June 2023.

The opportunity to comment on the drat 2024/25 budget has now closed.

Orange City Council's annual budget for the 2024/25 financial year is on display for community comment.

Members of the community are invited to leave an online comment or make a formal submission.

On this site you can find out about the budget by:

  • reading the official budget papers in the document library (at right)
  • checking out budget infographics (at right)
  • reading the media release (below)
  • reading news articles about the budget. There will be more new articles about details of the budget in the coming weeks.

You can have your say on the budget (below) by:

To make sure this community engagement is as accurate as it can be, you will have to register with YourSay Orange to leave a comment.

Registering with YourSay Orange is quick and easy. Simply follow the prompts to add a screen name and an email address.

The deadline for all submissions and comments on the budget is 6 June 2024.

A report on the community feedback will be considered by a Council meeting in June.

The opportunity to comment on the drat 2024/25 budget has now closed.

Orange City Council's annual budget for the 2024/25 financial year is on display for community comment.

Members of the community are invited to leave an online comment or make a formal submission.

On this site you can find out about the budget by:

  • reading the official budget papers in the document library (at right)
  • checking out budget infographics (at right)
  • reading the media release (below)
  • reading news articles about the budget. There will be more new articles about details of the budget in the coming weeks.

You can have your say on the budget (below) by:

To make sure this community engagement is as accurate as it can be, you will have to register with YourSay Orange to leave a comment.

Registering with YourSay Orange is quick and easy. Simply follow the prompts to add a screen name and an email address.

The deadline for all submissions and comments on the budget is 6 June 2024.

A report on the community feedback will be considered by a Council meeting in June.

Leave a comment about the budget or the new draft CSP

As well as completing a survey or making a formal submission you can also leave an online comment.

Comments can be about any aspect of the draft budget.

You can also read the comments left by others.

To make sure the survey is as accurate as possible, residents must register with the YourSay Orange site.

Registering with YourSay Orange is quick and easy. Simply follow the prompts to add a screen name and an email address.

The deadline for leaving a comment is (insert date)...

The period for community consultation on the 2024/25 Draft Budget has now  concluded. A report on the community response will be presented to Council at a meeting in June 2023.

I would encourage Orange City Council to allocate funds in the annual Budget to support the Orange Rainbow Festival in 2025 and in the years to come. This Festival sends a signal to locals and the wider world that everyone is welcome in Orange and diversity is celebrated. Much of the vibrancy and prosperity of Orange is generated by the gay community. The Arts, all businesses and tourism would benefit from the support of the Rainbow Festival.
Catherine Cheney

Catherine Cheney 29 days ago

Requesting funding for the Rainbow Festival 2025 and beyond!

The OCC Strategic Plan outlines a vision for a vibrant and dynamic community, building a greater sense of connection, belonging and community spirit as well as providing a friendly environment where people feel safe and included. It is commendable that this plan has targeted many groups within the community, including; both older and younger folk, our children, those who are linguistically and culturally diverse, people who live with a disability and the homeless. However, it does not include any targets for the LGBTQIA+ members of our community - a community to which I belong and one that continues to see unacceptingly high levels of discrimination and frighteningly high instances of mental health issues when compared to the broader population.

The Rainbow Festival held earlier this year was an example of how this part of our community can be supported, connected, and recognised. I have personal experience in my own life as well as close family and friends in the LGBTQIA+ community who have struggled (and continue to struggle) with mental health issues, personal safety and bigotry as a direct result of their gender or sexual identity/expression. Being able to participate in the Rainbow Festival was a moving and joyous experience, where I felt seen and accepted - for the first time - in my home city.

I urge the Council to include funding for a Rainbow Festival in the 2024/25 Operational Plan and to develop partnerships that can share the organisational load and costs.

The Rainbow Festival should be an annual event that will only help cement Orange on the cultural map, where we can celebrate the incredibly diverse and vibrant city we live in and love!

Drew Farley 29 days ago

I was disappointed to read that the Council has not formally committed any funding for the 2025 Rainbow Festival in it's draft budget for next year. The 2024 festival was a huge success demonstrating that the OCC seeks to use it's resources to support ALL its community, even the marginalised. The Festival brought a sense of joy and inclusion for many in the local LGBTQI+ community members, and their friends and family. These events are priceless in supporting young people as they navigate their journey of discovery with regard to their gender identity and sexuality. Thus making a positive contribution to their ongoing well-being and mental health.
I would strongly urge the Council to allocate funding for this festival when next years budget is considered. I would like to see the Rainbow Festival included as one of Councils allocation to Orange360.
Yours sincerely
Karen Reeder

KR 30 days ago

I was disappointed to read that the Council has not formally committed any funding for the 2025 Rainbow Festival in it's draft budget for next year. The 2024 festival was a huge success demonstrating that the OCC seeks to use it's resources to support ALL its community, even the marginalised. The Festival brought a sense of joy and inclusion for many in the local LGBTQI+ community members, and their friends and family. These events are priceless in supporting young people as they navigate their journey of discovery with regard to their gender identity and sexuality. Thus making a positive contribution to their ongoing well-being and mental health.
I would strongly urge the Council to allocate funding for this festival when next years budget is considered. I would like to see the Rainbow Festival included as one of Councils allocation to Orange360.
Yours sincerely
Karen Reeder

KR 30 days ago

The OCC Strategic Plan, talks about a vibrant and dynamic community, building a greater sense of connection, belonging and community spirt as well as providing a friendly environment where people feel safe and included. It is commendable that the Operational Plan has targets for older and younger people, children, linguistically and culturally diverse people, people with a disability and the homeless. However, it does not include any targets for the LGBTQIA+ members of our community.
The Rainbow Festival held earlier this year was an example of how this part of our community can be supported, connected, and recognised. I have friends in the LGBTQIA+ community who have struggled with mental health issues and sometimes feel unsafe, so the festival was a positive experience for them.
I urge Council to include a Rainbow Festival in the 2024/25 Operational Plan and to develop partnerships that can share the organisational load and costs. It would seem to fit well in CSP 5 – Responsive programs and services that support our community’s lifestyle and social needs’ and

Rosywren 30 days ago

It was great to see ORC showing confident leadership for the Rainbow Festival, which brought out much goodwill in the community. Although 2024 was funded by a grant, it would be good to see some budget allocation for 2025 in the event that a grant isn't possible, and including it as an item in the Operational Plan. It felt like 2024 was a good first step for what should become an annual event, as seen (with great economic success) in other regional towns such as Wagga Wagga.

Kate Hook about 1 month ago

I'd like to see funding for the Rainbow Festival 2025 in the 2024/2025 budget. I attended this year's Rainbow Festival with my children, both my parents and my sister. It was so special to march together as a family, waving our rainbow flags and wearing our sparkles and glitter, to demonstrate our support, inclusion and most importantly, our acceptance of our LGBTQIA+ community. It was a very important lesson for my children (aged 3, 6 and 7) to see our community celebrating each other's differences. Embracing diversity and inclusion empowers our children to engage their world with curiosity, confidence and kindness. Diversity and inclusion helps our children learn to empathize with people who are different from them as well as to better understand themselves. My 3 year old particularly enjoyed watching the Drag Queens and their brilliant outfits. I was so proud of Orange at the Rainbow Festival - the love vibes throughout the day gave me goosebumps. I was particularly proud of my 67 year old farmer Dad (a typical blokes bloke who grew up on a farm and has lived in Orange all his life) who dressed in sparkles and glitter and proudly marched with everyone. A memory I will forever cherish. It was exactly the Orange I want my children to grow up in.

AKB about 1 month ago

I would like to see funding for Council to host another Rainbow Festival in 2025. I spoke in support of the Festival and attended with my husband, 6 year old son and dog. It was a wonderful event and I urge Council to allocate funding to host the event again next year.

dannielle1990 about 1 month ago

The Rainbow festival was a HUGE success and should be an annual event! The benefit of this even happening this was sent positive ripple effects into the community and showed young people that their town of Orange supports them!

Jonathan Hosking about 1 month ago

As a member of the community, I would like to see the Rainbow Festival added to the Budget/ Event Agenda as an annual event.

Roxanne Miller about 1 month ago

Would love to the the Rainbow Festival become an annual event to showcase inclusivity in our region.

Hairdude6666 about 1 month ago

Dear Orange City Council

I would like to propose funding to the Orange Hockey Incorporate for the revitalisation of the Smith Field.

Originally installed in 1997, this synthetic turf surface is in dire straits of replacement. To reinforce that statement, this surface that is 37 years old, is now non compliant with the Federation of International Hockey standards. It is also proven that this particular surface is responsible for injuries to players in the long term.

The new surface that will be compliant, does not come cheap. We are looking at a cost of 1.45 million dollars for the whole process.

In the last 10 years we have managed to raise $600,000.00 through fundraising. We have secured a government grant for $330,000.00, giving us an impressive $930,000.00.

That does leave us short, and we believe, with rising costs, if we don’t get this project started by September this year, it will get further and further out of our reach.

We would urge council to give serious consideration to investing in our plight. Orange has historically produced some amazing international representatives in hockey players from our region. We attract about 1000 players every year to our sport, yet we don’t receive the funding that more popular media sponsored sports see.

Please consider investing in our hockey community for your 2024-2025 budget. That same community that lives in Orange, and helps invest in our future as a city.

Yours sincerely, Janeen Toner-Wasil, OHI President

JaneenTW about 1 month ago

Subject: Request for $200,000 Investment in Smith Hockey Field Revitalisation

Dear Orange City Council,

Thanks for your support planning provided to our community. I am writing to highlight the urgent need for a significant investment in the revitalisation of the Smith Hockey Field in the 2024-25 budget. This request aligns with the council's themes of "Live", "Prosper", "Collaborate", and "Preserve".

The Smith Hockey Field has been a vital part of our community, promoting healthy living and fostering local talent. However, it is evident that the field requires an upgrade to continue serving its purpose effectively. I propose a budget allocation of $200,000 for this project.

It is noteworthy that The Orange Hockey community have already raised over $930,000 of the ~$1.45 million required for this project. This demonstrates the commitment and passion of our community towards this initiative.

This investment will not only improve the quality and safety of the field but also enhance the overall experience for players and spectators alike. The new state-of-the-art artificial surface, has green components. The ethanol used to produce the fibres are made from sugar cane mulch, which is a testament to our commitment to green initiatives. This artificial surface uses less water annually than a natural grass surface, requires no herbicides, and eliminates the need for mowing and marking.

The support of the Orange Aboriginal Medical Service and Glenroi School (ans many other bodies) in this project underscores our commitment to collaboration and community engagement. Their participation will ensure that the revitalised field continues to be a hub for community activities and sports events.

Moreover, the upgraded field will enable Orange to host State Championships, potentially bringing in approximately $2 million in revenue to Orange local businesses over the course of a 4-day championship tournament. This will boost local businesses and tourism, contributing to the prosperity of our city.

I urge the council to consider this proposal seriously and allocate the necessary funds in the 2024-25 budget. Let's invest in our community's future, preserve our commitment to the environment, and make Orange City a better place for everyone.

Thank you for your consideration.

Yours sincerely, Darryn Marjoram

Darryn about 1 month ago

Thanks for the opportunity in submitting my feedback. As a Spring Hill resident who has been involved as a Volunteer to rebuild the Village through funding obtained by local committee members, local businesses support, hard work from residents of the Village, and ongoing volunteered management for the upkeep of the upgraded infrastructure, I would like to propsoe that more funding be provided to the smaller Villages under OCC. With an annual budget of $20K to each of these Villages isn't sustainable to keep and maintain these Villages and although the passion of residents and volunteers had achieved major upgrades to plan for ongoing funding to be brought into the Village of tourism, and business and keep it sustainable, this has all be done on the residents watch. Although there is vision through our strategic planning, we would like to see more funding provided annually to be utilise to upgrade kids play equipment at Alf Reed park, play equipment installed along with a bike track, gym equipment around the new refurbished oval for residents who deserve to have a complete ground, especially with the current and ongoing growth in the Village of young families. In addition to this, the annual major increase in funding will provide support of long term projects for the rate paying residents of OCC, and not only utilise the current $20K funds as a stop gap, and short term projects. I would also like to see an agreement with OCC and Cabone Council, where Cabone also provide funding to the Village as 85% is under OCC, the further 15% is under Cabone and growing daily with the influct of livestyle blocks which sit under Cabone who are also residents of Spring Hill and utilise, support and volunteer time to the rebuilding of the Village.

Villages need to be considered in each budget yearly, as they provide outreach services for Orange residents. Spring Hill is a fine example of that with the short term camping at the recreation ground which support OCC Showground camping. This and other services is why more budget funds are to be allocated to the outskirt Villages ie; Spring Hill.
Thanks Beth

BM about 1 month ago

Thanks for the opportunity in submitting my feedback. As a Spring Hill resident who has been involved as a Volunteer to rebuild the Village through funding obtained by local committee members, local businesses support, hard work from residents of the Village, and ongoing volunteered management for the upkeep of the upgraded infrastructure, I would like to propsoe that more funding be provided to the smaller Villages under OCC. With an annual budget of $20K to each of these Villages isn't sustainable to keep and maintain these Villages and although the passion of residents and volunteers had achieved major upgrades to plan for ongoing funding to be brought into the Village of tourism, and business and keep it sustainable, this has all be done on the residents watch. Although there is vision through our strategic planning, we would like to see more funding provided annually to be utilise to upgrade kids play equipment at Alf Reed park, play equipment installed along with a bike track, gym equipment around the new refurbished oval for residents who deserve to have a complete ground, especially with the current and ongoing growth in the Village of young families. In addition to this, the annual major increase in funding will provide support of long term projects for the rate paying residents of OCC, and not only utilise the current $20K funds as a stop gap, and short term projects. I would also like to see an agreement with OCC and Cabone Council, where Cabone also provide funding to the Village as 85% is under OCC, the further 15% is under Cabone and growing daily with the influct of livestyle blocks which sit under Cabone who are also residents of Spring Hill and utilise, support and volunteer time to the rebuilding of the Village.

Villages need to be considered in each budget yearly, as they provide outreach services for Orange residents. Spring Hill is a fine example of that with the short term camping at the recreation ground which support OCC Showground camping. This and other services is why more budget funds are to be allocated to the outskirt Villages ie; Spring Hill.
Thanks Beth

BM about 1 month ago

I would like to request that the $71 fee associated with booking the Clifton Grove Mud Hut for Category 1 Events be waived for residents of Clifton Grove. For local families in particular, this area provides a safe, welcoming and convenient play and picnic area for birthday parties etc and given current economic pressures, waiving this fee would be much appreciated.

LJ@CG about 1 month ago

I would like to submit an application for the installation of seats along the walking track from Stirling Avenue to Albert Street. The recommended distance for such seating is 800 metre intervals. Rest seating is important as it increases accessibility for those of reduced mobility and fitness.

nick king about 1 month ago

On behalf of the Orange Community Garden I would like to make a submission for the fencing of a portion of the garden area which encompasses the Foodcare garden, the berry garden and the food forest. The type of fencing requested is schoolyard fencing, priced at $150.00 a panel, which includes labour costs. Estimated price $15 000. Nick King for Orange Community Garden,

nick king about 1 month ago

I have lived in Orange all my life 49years. It has never stopped developing.
I know our region is famous for food and wine and other things but i strongly believe Mountain Biking is the next big thing for Orange. I have had feedback from mountain bike groups saying the tracks on Mount Canobolas are probably the best in NSW. They are planning talking to other groups and hopefully staging competitions down here.. This mountain has untapped potential and could bring in millions of dollars annually if done correctly.

paulh about 1 month ago

In my reading of this years OCC Budget, the roads around Spring Hill miss out again on any major funding. Take a drive along Whiley Road (connects Spring Hill to the main Millthorpe / Shadforth Road) and experience what has to be one of the roughest pieces of bitumen in the district. Worboys Street in the Spring Hill village itself is also a piece of forgotten infrastructure, being rough and broken and poorly drained. Both roads are meant to service traffic from Blayney and Millthorpe, together with workers to and from Cadia Mine.
It appears that unless OCC gains a state or commonwealth grant to fix these roads then nothing will happen. Rural roads and especially those on the edge of the shire don't appear to gain the attention of the Councillors or the decision makers in Council. The year on year lack of maintenance / rebuilds for such roads is leading to an ever increasing risk of MVAs especially in the wet weather when vehicles drive along and over the center-line to avoid potholes and the uneven and poorly drained road shoulders.
Come on OCC, start allocating more funds (from what ever source) to maintain existing infrastructure before committing to new infrastructure.

pknight about 2 months ago