Budget 2024

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The period for community consultation on the 2024/25 Draft Budget has now  concluded. A report on the community response will be presented to Council at a meeting in June 2023.

The opportunity to comment on the drat 2024/25 budget has now closed.

Orange City Council's annual budget for the 2024/25 financial year is on display for community comment.

Members of the community are invited to leave an online comment or make a formal submission.

On this site you can find out about the budget by:

  • reading the official budget papers in the document library (at right)
  • checking out budget infographics (at right)
  • reading the media release (below)
  • reading news articles about the budget. There will be more new articles about details of the budget in the coming weeks.

You can have your say on the budget (below) by:

To make sure this community engagement is as accurate as it can be, you will have to register with YourSay Orange to leave a comment.

Registering with YourSay Orange is quick and easy. Simply follow the prompts to add a screen name and an email address.

The deadline for all submissions and comments on the budget is 6 June 2024.

A report on the community feedback will be considered by a Council meeting in June.

The opportunity to comment on the drat 2024/25 budget has now closed.

Orange City Council's annual budget for the 2024/25 financial year is on display for community comment.

Members of the community are invited to leave an online comment or make a formal submission.

On this site you can find out about the budget by:

  • reading the official budget papers in the document library (at right)
  • checking out budget infographics (at right)
  • reading the media release (below)
  • reading news articles about the budget. There will be more new articles about details of the budget in the coming weeks.

You can have your say on the budget (below) by:

To make sure this community engagement is as accurate as it can be, you will have to register with YourSay Orange to leave a comment.

Registering with YourSay Orange is quick and easy. Simply follow the prompts to add a screen name and an email address.

The deadline for all submissions and comments on the budget is 6 June 2024.

A report on the community feedback will be considered by a Council meeting in June.

Leave a comment about the budget or the new draft CSP

As well as completing a survey or making a formal submission you can also leave an online comment.

Comments can be about any aspect of the draft budget.

You can also read the comments left by others.

To make sure the survey is as accurate as possible, residents must register with the YourSay Orange site.

Registering with YourSay Orange is quick and easy. Simply follow the prompts to add a screen name and an email address.

The deadline for leaving a comment is (insert date)...

The period for community consultation on the 2024/25 Draft Budget has now  concluded. A report on the community response will be presented to Council at a meeting in June 2023.

Give up the Mt Canobolas mountain bike trials for good and stop wasting our money on this

Jennyp 23 days ago

What I value about living in Orange is the beautiful natural environment; Mt Canobolas, the bushland, trees, reservoirs, and urban open spaces.

I’m glad there are no funds allocated to the mountain bike track proposal on Gaanha bula Mt Canobolas in the 2024-25 Council Budget. Yet the bike track is still being considered by Council even though it is outside the council boundaries as there is a direction to staff to ‘determine costs of a redesign and construction’. No details of what this might involve are given. As the State Conservation Area (SCA) and nearby bushland are ecologically very significant as well as culturally significant they must not be included in any redesign. The redesign must be in the adjacent State Forests as they are already disturbed and damaged. Mountain bike tracks are in the State Forests to the north and west so the redesign should consider the thousands of hectares of pine forests to the south.

Some of the activities in the plan are about companion animals. I would like council staff to take action not just on feral cats, but the pet cats that are allowed to roam around neighbourhoods and enter other people’s gardens. Where I live these cats create a health risk to my family as they litter in my vegetable garden but also catch birds (a pity it wasn’t the Indian Mynas).

Another issues of concern to me in the plan is water security. I applaud staff developing a business case for purified recycled water but I do not agree with the further development of Stage 2 of the Blackmans Stormwater Harvesting Scheme. It will take even more water out of the already stressed Summer Hill Creek. Other options for using water more wisely need to be considered.

On a positive note, I look forward to the actions in the plan (1.2) to improve urban biodiversity and local open spaces. The local streetscapes and parks are always enjoyable as is helping out on planting days.

Rosywren 23 days ago

At a time when so much negativity fills the airwaves, when so many minority communities feel left behind, or judged, when the future of the human project feels more and more precarious, it's encouraging to think that the Orange community has a chance to move the dial just a little in favour of generosity of spirit, inclusivity and celebration of diversity. Please, councillors, commit to sponsorship of the Orange Rainbow Festival in 2025 and make a suitable budget allocation.

Tony McKenzie 23 days ago

It would be great to see funding allocated for the Rainbow Festival and to see more funds provided to local artists and musicians to share their talent locally.

Tommy 23 days ago

Esteemed Members of OCC,

As I don't have time to make a full submission in my capacity as a private citizen, please consider this a mini submission.

I fully support having more festivals and events throughout the yearly cycle, especially in support of the LGBTIQA+ community. These events bring revenue and make sense from an economic standpoint. They also make our nightlife and social lives more vibrant and collectively make Orange a more attractive place to live, work and play, especially among the younger demographic of which I am a part.

This touches on all aspects of page 26 of the OCC community strategic plan 2022 - 2032 as well as page 21. Going ahead with more of these festivals and events, particularly making the Orange Rainbow Festival an annual tradition fits in very well with the strategy and so it would be my hope that the council sees fit to keep running and promoting these events.

N. S. Aguilera

N. S. Aguilera 23 days ago

I am writing to provide feedback on the Orange occasional childcare policy, particularly concerning the financial burden imposed on parents when their children are sick and cannot attend occasional care.

As a healthcare worker, I understand the importance and imperative of maintaining a healthy environment in childcare facilities. Although at present, I believe the current policy regarding sick children is unfairly punitive to parents. It is particularly concerning that parents are required to bear the financial cost of childcare when their child is ill, despite providing a medical certificate to validate the absence.

The expectation for parents to pay for childcare services when their child is legitimately unwell places an additional strain on families already facing the stress of caring for an ill child. Moreover, it creates a financial barrier for parents who may be experiencing difficulties due to medical expenses or lost wages associated with caring for a sick child, potentially making them send the child to care whilst they are unwell.

I urge the council to reconsider this aspect of the childcare policy and explore more compassionate and equitable solutions. One possible approach could be to waive childcare fees for the days when a child is absent due to illness, provided that a valid medical certificate is provided as evidence.

By implementing such a measure, the council can demonstrate its commitment to supporting families during challenging times and ensuring that childcare services remain accessible to all. Additionally, it would alleviate some of the financial burden on parents, enabling them to focus on the well-being and recovery of their child without added financial stress.

Thank you for considering this feedback. I look forward to seeing positive changes that prioritise the needs of families in our community.

Amelia Jaeger 23 days ago

I would like to encourage the Council’s 2024-25 footpath budget to consider completing the small strip of footpath on Farrell Road between numbers 20 and 36 Farrell Road. This small, incomplete section of footpath represents a safety risk to many pedestrians who use it daily to exercise or walk to the shopping centre. The ground is very uneven, proving dangerous in terms of potential injury, and also presenting a more significant risk with dog walkers and stroller pushers stepping out onto the road into traffic coming over the rise from Clergate Road.

K. Frances 24 days ago

I implore Orange City Council to financially support the Rainbow Festival. This inclusive event, should become part of the Councils annual events.

In Australia 68% of LGBTQIA+ employees aren’t out to everyone their place of employment and 64% of students aren’t out to any of their teachers.
As a city we need to foster an inclusive community, a community where LGBTQIA+ people are seen, safe, and celebrated.

New ABS data confirms LGBTQIA+ people experience mental ill health at rates two to four times higher than the broader population. These adverse mental health outcomes relate directly to the stigma, prejudice, discrimination and abuse that LGBTQIA+ people have experienced and continue to experience.

Over the weekend of 22 - 24 March, the city of Orange was a beautiful rainbow of LGBTQIA+ community and ally’s who reiterated that Love is Love.

Orange is a vibrant city.
Full of colour, food, wine and entertainment. Everyone should feel included, safe and that they can live in this progressive city and be there authentic authentic self.

SWB 24 days ago

Orange needs another pride in 2025

Lisa Poole 24 days ago

As a queer being myself, I would love to see the Rainbow Festival come back for 2025!!

Silly Billy 24 days ago

I’d love to see allocation within the new budget to support a return of the Orange Rainbow Festival which was held in March 2024.

The event was a huge success, much loved by all who attended and is a worthwhile and important addition to the vibrant Orange Festival scene. An annual Rainbow Festival would be fantastic, and an early 2025 date ideal.

Council’s 22-23 Community Strategic Plan looks to expand the vibrant and dynamic community of Orange. The success of last year’s Rainbow Festival shows how it is an ideal way to create more festivals, events and activities, as stated in that document, and worthy of council support.

Biddy 24 days ago

I'd absolutely love to see the Rainbow Festival return in 2025. I'd absolutely LOVE for it to be annual from here on.

The existence of the festival is incredibly important to me as well as my LGBT+ peers who reside within Orange. Growing up as someone who is LGBT+, I felt isolated and unseen and most of all, unsafe in this town. I didn't know any other people like me, and the world can be hostile, so I didn't feel safe to be open. No child should have to feel that way, but the festival helped me feel welcome, and surely helps others in my position.

The festival existing and seeing such an outpour of support for the community--even despite some of the backlash--was so important to me and other LGBT+ people within Orange, youth or otherwise. The existence of it supports openness and safety even to those who aren't LGBT+ but might be questioning, or those who just want somewhere to feel safe. Seeing support for a community so ostracised by society helps so many people even outside of it feel safer to be themselves.

Personally if the festival is to be included again, I'd love to see some budget going toward a sensory-safe space or quiet room for those who need it. I'm autistic and as are many of my LGBT friends and being able to have a quiet space is very important, particulary on the night of the street party it would've been very important. I am aware that the blind pig had one but they were full and had to put people within their sensory room, making it not as quiet as we would've hoped. Flashing lights and loud noises can get very tiring for disabled people like me and it would be nice to participate in a community event and still be able to take breaks safely.

Hunter 24 days ago

Please include continued Rainbow Festivals in the budget!

Marea Ruddy 24 days ago

I'd love to see the Rainbow Festival become an annual event! Plus more indoor, cold weather play equipment suitable for young children and families, similar to the fantastic play room at the train museum in Bathurst.

Hettie 25 days ago

It would be great please to have more sunshades for playgrounds in Orange, especially for the playgrounds at Matthews Park. It’s the most toddler friendly playground and in the summer the metal slides gets super hot and unsafe for little ones. Thank you.

Izzati 25 days ago

I would like to see more sunshades installed at playgrounds around Orange, particularly the train park in Matthews Park. Also, the lake at Cook park could use a bit of fencing of sorts to be more child-safe. Thanks you

Cori 25 days ago

The Council has been doing great work in the area of community events and I'd like to see more funding allocated to area of Council operations. This investment easily pays for itself in terms of social cohesion, inclusivity, reputational enhancement and tourism. Harmony Day celebrations just keep getting better, and it would be great to see this important event take the next step in its development. This year's inaugural Rainbow Festival was a fabulous celebration of inclusion and acceptance, and it's so important that this becomes an annual event. Plus the Jazz Festival and other live music events need continued support from Council in their formative stages. These events all help create a vibrant city and lively CBD, enhancing Orange's reputation as the Colour City and an amazing place to live and visit.

SteveN 26 days ago

I would like to see the Rainbow festival become an annual event. I attended the parade and the street party, and I enjoyed both events. The street party was perhaps the standout. It had a really fun and welcoming atmosphere. I met some new people and I caught up with friends. It was great to also buy good there from local businesses.
The drag queens and other entertainment was great!

e2 26 days ago

I would like to see more funding allocated to community and cultural events. This includes continuing existing events such as night markets, music festivals, the Harmony Festival, and the Rainbow Festival, as well as looking to add more similar events which showcase the diversity in our region, promote an inclusive community, and support hospitality and tourism.

Ted 26 days ago

Please put the Orange Rainbow Festival on the agenda as an annual event. It is such a positive and vibrant addition to our community.

Johanna Scott 26 days ago