Budget 2024

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The period for community consultation on the 2024/25 Draft Budget has now  concluded. A report on the community response will be presented to Council at a meeting in June 2023.

The opportunity to comment on the drat 2024/25 budget has now closed.

Orange City Council's annual budget for the 2024/25 financial year is on display for community comment.

Members of the community are invited to leave an online comment or make a formal submission.

On this site you can find out about the budget by:

  • reading the official budget papers in the document library (at right)
  • checking out budget infographics (at right)
  • reading the media release (below)
  • reading news articles about the budget. There will be more new articles about details of the budget in the coming weeks.

You can have your say on the budget (below) by:

To make sure this community engagement is as accurate as it can be, you will have to register with YourSay Orange to leave a comment.

Registering with YourSay Orange is quick and easy. Simply follow the prompts to add a screen name and an email address.

The deadline for all submissions and comments on the budget is 6 June 2024.

A report on the community feedback will be considered by a Council meeting in June.

The opportunity to comment on the drat 2024/25 budget has now closed.

Orange City Council's annual budget for the 2024/25 financial year is on display for community comment.

Members of the community are invited to leave an online comment or make a formal submission.

On this site you can find out about the budget by:

  • reading the official budget papers in the document library (at right)
  • checking out budget infographics (at right)
  • reading the media release (below)
  • reading news articles about the budget. There will be more new articles about details of the budget in the coming weeks.

You can have your say on the budget (below) by:

To make sure this community engagement is as accurate as it can be, you will have to register with YourSay Orange to leave a comment.

Registering with YourSay Orange is quick and easy. Simply follow the prompts to add a screen name and an email address.

The deadline for all submissions and comments on the budget is 6 June 2024.

A report on the community feedback will be considered by a Council meeting in June.

Leave a comment about the budget or the new draft CSP

As well as completing a survey or making a formal submission you can also leave an online comment.

Comments can be about any aspect of the draft budget.

You can also read the comments left by others.

To make sure the survey is as accurate as possible, residents must register with the YourSay Orange site.

Registering with YourSay Orange is quick and easy. Simply follow the prompts to add a screen name and an email address.

The deadline for leaving a comment is (insert date)...

The period for community consultation on the 2024/25 Draft Budget has now  concluded. A report on the community response will be presented to Council at a meeting in June 2023.

Given the hard economic times everyone is facing with high food prices and interest rates we really should not be facing another rates rise, especially when the council is making poor decisions with the finances it has (such as the golden balls, the lords place development and the bee clock).

Davepeebo about 2 months ago

The rate increase is Orange is absolutely ridiculous after the lord place debacle the bee clock and numerous other issues we should not be made to pay for councils mistakes.
Orange is already one of the highest rate paying communities with very little benefits or service being provided enough is enough

CP about 2 months ago

Perhaps Council might like to look at budget savings and duplication of function, in order to reduce costs, rather than increasing rates for what is already the dearest rate charge in the district. Items such as the Lords Place "beautification" that we, the rate payers, are now having to wear the cost of while Council uses rate payer funds to review what went wrong add no value to the rate payers experience, Similarly the lighting on Wirrabarra Walk that was neither asked for nor needed, it's a shameful waste of funds.
A tourism charge is also an option, levied through local hotels, which has shown to be effective in other countries. Stop penalising the residents, we already contribute so much.

Lelac about 2 months ago