01 November → 20 December 2024

Online & face-to-face community conversations begin

20 January → 03 February 2025

Engagement report is taken back to the community for comment


Pop-up information stall and a chance to give us your ideas face-to-face at local shopping centres.

Face-to-face consultation with students from Orange schools. 

Face-to-face community meetings with anyone who wants to ask questions or add ideas in person in the Council chambers and other community venues. 

Pop-up information stand and a chance to give us your ideas face-to-face at the Orange Regional Farmers Market.

03 February → 03 March 2025

CSP document is drafted

The first stage of the community sharing their ideas comes to an end.

03 March 2025

Draft CSP document is put to Council before going on display for community comment

31 March → 05 May 2025

Deadline for comments from the community on the draft CSP

17 June 2025

Draft Community Strategic Plan adopted by Orange City Council

Council will consider a report on the community response to the draft CSP, make any changes, and then adopt a final version of the plan.