Council makes progress on Robertson Park toilet plans
8 May 2018
Orange City Council is getting closer to starting work on a new toilet block for Robertson Park, following a decision at the latest council meeting.
Orange Mayor Reg Kidd said the 1 May meeting confirmed plans to construct the new toilets alongside McNamara Lane, just north of the path at the half-way point of the park.
“The council has confirmed both the location and the concept designs, and we can now go ahead with the level of details that will let us lodge a development application and put the project out to tender,” Cr Reg Kidd.
“The community of Orange has been waiting for many years for this project to happen. It’s hard to explain why it’s taken so long to build what would at first glance look like a fairly straightforward project,” Cr Reg Kidd said. “I know both councilors, staff and residents have been frustrated over the years with delay after delay.”
“Robertson Park is a very important public space in the heart of our city, and I’m sure that’s why there are strong feelings and why there’s been so many twists and turns over the years.
“With the cenotaph and rotunda nearby, there are important heritage factors to consider. This location will let us make connections with existing sewer lines and work between the established trees.”
It’s expected the process of developing detailed construction plans and lodging a DA will take around 6 weeks.
Like similar DAs, the proposal would then go on public exhibition for community comment, and a council meeting would consider that community feed-back before making a final decision.
An earlier proposal to construct the toilet adjacent to the CWA Hall had been funded by the State Government under the first round of the Stronger Country Communities Fund. The government has given approval for that money to fund the toilet in its new location.
“Because part of the earlier grant would have been put towards a re-vamp of the kitchen for the CWA Hall, I’m pleased that kitchen upgrade will still go ahead, even though the plan is now to build the new toilet in the new location,” Cr Reg Kidd said.
It’s envisaged that the new toilet would be jointly-funded by the council and the NSW Government. Preliminary costings are not being released publicly because the project is about to go out to tender.
The concept design approved by the council includes :
- A 14 metre long brick building with a paved pergola area at the front
- The pergola area would provide rain shelter and opportunity for climbing plants to cover the roof area.
- Male and female toilets, together with an accessible toilet & parents room
- CCTV cameras covering all sides of the building with appropriate security lighting
LOCATION : This site on the eastern side of Robertson Park will be the location of the new toilet block, following a council decision.
Consultation has concluded