March 13, 2018.
Lucknow residents next week (March 20) will have more convenient access to local government when a special Orange City Council meeting is held in the village in the old school hall.
Orange Mayor Reg Kidd said Orange’s villages were an important part of our community.
“This will be a regular council meeting with a special forum where locals can bring things to our attention that we might not have on our agenda already,” Cr Kidd said.
“We’ll also be doing another special sitting if Council in Spring Hill in October.
“It’s about making sure everyone in the community has a chance to speak to councillors, address the council and have their voices heard.
“We now live stream the regular council meetings which means more people can access a meeting, it’s more transparent and anyone can find out what’s being said but it’s only a one-way communication.
“This is an opportunity for people, who otherwise might not be able to make it to Orange for a meeting, to talk to us about the future of Lucknow, or any concerns they might have.”
The Lucknow sitting of the Orange City Council meeting will not be live streamed because the equipment to do so is not available at the Lucknow School Hall, however any member of the public is welcome to come to the meeting.