25 April 2018
Earthworks are under way alongside William Maker Driver in North Orange as Orange City Council builds a new area to cope with heavy run-off in the event of a storm.
Orange Mayor Reg Kidd said the $300,000 project is needed because of residential growth in North Orange.
“The area where the new suburbs of North Orange are being built used to be open farm land,” Cr Reg Kidd said. “One of the big impacts when lots of roads and driveways are built is that there is much more run-off, and when there is a major storm, that water has got to have somewhere to go.”
“The new area alongside William Maker Drive is called a detention basin. After a storm, when there’s a sudden increase in the amount of water flowing through Golding Creek, this open flat area gives the water somewhere to go. From there it can drain away slowly and not create potential erosion damage.
“Part of the area will be planted out to create a ‘swampy meadow’ and that will make a contribution to cleaning up the water that makes its way back into the creek. Golding Creek is a very small waterway but it’s all part of the Macquarie River catchment and all communities along our rivers have got to play their part in adding to water quality.”
Orange City Council’s Infrastructure Committee Chair Cr Sam Romano said the project is fully funded by Orange City Council with a budget of $300,000.
“The project includes the installation of new sewer lines, installing stormwater drains, new concrete footpaths and the construction of embankment and spillway,” Cr Sam Romano said.
“Blayney firm CPB Excavations were awarded the contract to build the basin.
“The site including the concrete walking path, has been fenced off during the construction period and pedestrians will need to use alternative walking routes during the work. We’re on-track to finish the project by mid-June, weather permitting. Working hours will be Monday to Friday 7:00 am to 5:00 pm.”