New location for Visitors Centre

New sets of signs are in place around the Orange Civic Centre directing travellers to a new location for the Orange Visitors Centre.
Orange City Council’s Economic Development Community Committee chair, Cr Jeff Whitton said the move was prompted by a planned renovation that’s about to begin at the Orange Regional Gallery.
“With the gallery renovation due to begin soon, the Visitors’ Centre has moved from the temporary site in the gallery foyer to the foyer of the Civic Theatre,” Cr Jeff Whitton said.
“It’s a busy location with many people coming to the theatre to buy tickets for shows, so now some of those people will also be able to pick up information that’s useful both for travellers and locals alike.”
Among the first people to use the centre after last week’s move were French travellers, Aurelian Louche and Aurelie Boulin.
“We’ve been travelling in Australia for about four months,” Aurelie Boulin said. “We were looking for information about accommodation and how to find work.”
“We are looking for work on local farms, perhaps fruit picking in the Orange area,” Aurelian Louche said. “We were given some information about where we can stay and how to find jobs.”
Around 80,000 people a year coming into the Centre looking for information.
Cr Jeff Whitton said the new location will be easier for travellers.
“The previous location meant a walk alongside construction fences at the museum site, but the theatre foyer will mean easier parking and a site that’s well signposted and open seven days a week,” Cr Jeff Whitton said.
“For people who arrive in Orange on the day of a show there may also be some extra ticket sales for the theatre.”
“It’s expected the Visitors’ Centre will remain in the theatre foyer until the museum building is ready.”
“The museum is due to be completed in the first half of this year, and the Visitors’ Centre is due to be the first facility to move in to the front of the new building.”
INFORMATION : French travellers Aurelian Louche and Aurelie Boulin pick up some information from Visitors’ Centre staff member Wendy Miller in the centre’s new location in the Civic Theatre foyer.
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