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Next stage of bypass to gain hot-mix surface

08 Mar 2016

Work has begun on the next stage of Orange City Council’s plan to completely re-surface the northern bypass.

Work started Tuesday 8 March to re-surface the 2 .1 kilometre section of the bypass between the Mitchell Highway and William Maker Drive.

Orange City Council’s Infrastructure Committee chair, Cr Glenn Taylor said he’s delighted that residents will soon be enjoying the smoother hot-mix surface on another section of the bypass.

“There’s been a lot of positive feedback when residents have used one of the sections of the bypass that’s already had the hot mix applied,” Cr Glenn Taylor said. “There’ll be some delays and they’ll need to be patient in the coming weeks while this work is done, but I know they’ll be pleased when the work is done.”

“There’s no doubt that sections of the bypass up the slope towards Hill Street needed some work. I’m delighted the next stage of this project to transform this key road for Orange can begin.”

Work began at the Molong Rd/Mitchell Highway end of the bypass today. The section through to Burrendong Way including the roundabout will be completed before the road crews move on to the next section towards William Maker Drive.

Weather permitting it’s expected to take around 6 weeks to complete this stage of the project. Crews will be removing the former bitumen gravel surface and replacing it with two layers of hot mix asphalt. Crews will be working on one lane at a time, so that one lane of the road will always be open for traffic.

Council staff are currently finalising tender arrangements so the next parts of the re-surfacing project at the Icely Road end of the bypass can begin.

“Weather permitting it’s expected that by the time that work is completed during April and May, more than half of the total length of the bypass will have been re-surfaced with hot mix,” Cr Glenn Taylor said.

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