Panorama photo handed over to museum

8 August 2018
An historic panorama-style photograph dating from early last century has been handed over to the Orange Regional Museum.
The image is believed to have been taken around 1908. It’s about two metres long and was taken from one of Orange’s tallest buildings at the time, the Dalton flour mill in Peisley Street.
The Neich family who owned the print are donating it in memory of the McLachlan family.
The print will be sent away for specialist restoration.
A member of the Orange Historical Society, who is a professional photographer, Robert Bruce, has made an enhanced copy of the panorama, which will also be given to the museum.
Orange Mayor Reg Kidd was on hand to receive the donations on behalf of the museum.
It’s expected that the copy of the panorama will be able to be enlarged for display at the museum.
PANORAMA : Pictured at the hand over are (l. top r.) Mayor Reg Kidd, photographer Robert Bruce, Museum Director Brad Hammond, museum curator Alison Campbell, and historical society members Phil Stevenson and Liz Edwards.
DETAILS: (Below) Detailed images from the panorama include a number of buildings still to be seen in Orange, including Kelly’s Hotel in Lords Place, Bowen Terrace in Bathurst Road, the railway yards including the pedestrian bridge and Peisley St looking through the Kite St and Summer St intersections.
Consultation has concluded