Putting value into family history

Friday, November 3, 2017
The latest in Orange Regional Museum’s series of talks aims to encourage people to think twice about throwing out the long lost Aunt’s tea set, or a fourth cousin’s old tobacco holder or that hideous lamp passed down through generations.
‘Trash or Treasure: reconnecting our past’ by Kira Brown will look at the value of family history and the objects associated with our family history.
The latest public lecture will focus on objects from non-Anglo communities where the language and culture surrounding the object may have been lost.
Orange Mayor Reg Kidd said the talk would help show people how to determine the value of an old family heirloom.
“The speaker, Kira Brown will help show people how to research the history behind their family objects, through telling stories of her own experiences,” Cr Kidd said.
“Ms Brown inherited a great number of items from a Chinese relative but at the time had little understanding of the significance of those items.
“She will tell that story, that journey about how she researched each item and what she found.
“The talk will help everyone who comes along start their own journey of discovery.”
Orange City Council’s Services Policy Committee Chair Kevin Duffy said it was important the community preserved its personal history.
“Objects aren’t much without the story that goes with them,” Cr Duffy said.
“That old tea set of long lost Aunty could turn out to be a tea set used in Japanese tea ceremonies, or Korean ancestral rites or it was used in a tea offering in a Buddhist temple.
“Or it’s just a tea set, but it’s important we know how to research history so we know to preserve it.
“If we don’t know the value of our family history then the objects will eventually be lost, thrown out or sent to the second hand shop.”
Trash or Treasure: reconnecting our past will be held on Thursday 9th November, refreshments from 5.15pm, talk at 5.30pm.
Bookings are essential via museum@orange.nsw.gov.au or 02 63938444
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