2 August 2017
Orange City council will host a second Candidates Forum this Friday due to the popularity of the first event.
The first Candidates’ Forum was held on Tuesday night and was attended by about 40 potential candidates who had the opportunity to ask council staff about all elements of local government and how Orange City Council operates as an organisation.
Another Candidates’ Forum is scheduled for 12 noon, Friday August 4 for anyone thinking of putting their hand up to run for Orange City Council this election. Anyone who attended the previous forum is also welcome to attend Friday’s event but the content will be the same.
The Candidates’ Forum, on Friday in the Council Chamber, will provide information and insight into what life as a Councillor involves, the role of local government, the role and responsibilities of Councillors, the election process as well as specific information about Orange City Council.
The forum is free, no booking necessary, and anyone who wants to be a candidate for the September 9 election should attend.
Council staff will be available to answer any questions related to Council and the role of a Councillor but in relation to the election process, candidates will need to familiarise themselves with all the relevant information and legislation from the NSW Electoral Commission, at
People who want to be candidates for the election are encouraged to register early. Nominations close Wednesday, August 9 at midday.
Further information can be found at
www.votensw.info such as how to enrol to vote, how to check if you are enrolled to vote, how to vote early and the results of the election, when they are known.