Would new lower speed limit boost safety ?

The central Orange area where the proposed new 40 km/hr speed limit would be enforced is still a matter for community consultation. The proposal is for the CBD area bounded by Peisley and Hill Streets, Byng and Kite Streets.
Research compiled by the ATP consultants found that most pedestrians injured by a car that’s travelling faster than 50 kms/hr would not survive the impact. In contrast, the chance of a fatality when a pedestrian is hit by a car that’s travelling at 30 km/hr is 5 per cent. At 40 kms/hr the likelihood of a fatal accident is 20 per cent.
A map in the Active Travel Plan document shows the majority of serious injuries and fatalities in recent years have happened in the centre of Orange and main roads.
Many local councils have successfully introduced 40 km/hr sped limits in high-pedestrian activity areas.
When 40 km/hr limits were introduced around NSW schools, this resulted in a 24 per cent reduction in pedestrian and cycle-related crashes outside schools.
Orange City Council has placed the Active Travel Plan exhibition for comment for one month. The plan was drafted by transport consultants after a round of community consultation late last year.
You can have you say by :
- making a formal submission
- filing in an online survey, or
- leaving an online comment
Consultation has concluded