The opportunity to contribute ideas to the Community Strategic Plan has now closed. This article from January 2018 describes earlier progress in the CSP conversation.
Wednesday January 31, 2018
Hundreds of people have already had their say about Orange’s future and they have made more than 1,000 contributions to Orange City Council’s Where To next? ten-year blue-print plan.
Some of those ideas include making Orange more recreational vehicle friendly, aiding new retail businesses coming to the city and encouraging electric car tourism.

Themes and broad topic areas are already emerging with ideas about sustainability, recreation, growing tourism and a CBD refurbishment appearing the most often.
The next phase of the community strategic plan (CSP) conversation is about to begin with a series of community meetings and pop-up stalls planned for next week.
Orange Mayor Reg Kidd said meeting people face-to-face would fine-tune the ideas the community had already put forward.
“There are hundreds of ideas, hundreds of votes on those ideas and hundreds of pins on a map, to consider already,” Cr Kidd said.
“Ideas such as providing more entertainment for Orange’s young people, more recycling bin pick-ups and a suggestion Council should lobby government for a better affordable housing policy.
“They’re all ideas that we’ll be looking at when it comes to putting together this ten-year plan.
“We can’t implement all of the ideas but we’ll be categorising them in broader themes and groups that will help shape Council’s priorities.
“The next phase is about meeting people face-to-face and getting further in to that conversation about what people love about Orange, what they think needs improving and where do they see Orange heading
in the next ten-years. “Once we’ve met with people at our pop-up stalls and had next week’s community meetings we will then take everyone’s ideas and group them into higher level priorities.
“We’ll then bring those priorities back to the community, in the form of more broad topics, and we’ll ask the community whether we’ve got it right.
“We plan to do that online using our Your Say Orange website.
“After we’ve asked the community if we’ve got it right, only then will we put it all together to create the ten-year plan.
“The community strategic plan, is used to guide all decisions of Council for this term. Therefore it is important we hear from a large cross section of the community.
“So get on board and have your say.”
The first face-to-face pop-up stall is on Saturday at Orange Central Square from 10am to 12pm and the second pop-up is on the following Saturday, February 10 at the Orange Region Farmers markets.
Everyone is encourage to come along, have a chat, ask questions and add their ideas.
There are also four community meetings planned next week at Orange Council Chambers.
The first is for school children in primary school and high school who will have the opportunity to tell council what they want for their future in Orange. The next three are open to the public and all are invited to come along*.
The first is on February 8 at 12pm and then again at 5.30pm in the council chambers in Byng Street. The third and last community meeting is on at 8am, February 9, also in council chambers.
In the meantime, head to to see the hundreds of ideas already entered, vote on those ideas, or add your own.
Once phase two of the Where to Next project begins on February 20, people will no longer be able to add ideas, instead Council will be asking the community to comment on the compilation of ideas presented in more broadly defined topic areas.
“I hope to see people of all ages and demographics come and see us over the next week, no need to RSVP just turn up and have a say,” Cr Kidd said.
Key Dates
- FEBRUARY 3 2018: Pop-up information stall and a chance to give us your ideas face-to-face at Orange Central Square (near K-Mart entrance) 10am to 12pm.
- FEBRUARY 7 2018: Face-to-face consultation with students from Orange schools.
- FEBRUARY 8 2018: Face-to-face community meeting with anyone who wants to ask questions or add ideas in person at 12 noon and again at 5.30pm in the Council chambers.
- FEBRUARY 9 2018: Face-to-face community meeting with anyone who wants to ask questions or add ideas in person at 8am in the Council chambers.
- FEBRUARY 10 2018: Pop-up information stand and a chance to give us your ideas face-to-face at the Orange Regional Farmers Market.
* NEED SOME EXTRA ASSISTANCE? : If you need assistive techniques to enable you to contribute to the 'Where to Next?' consultation, please make contact before any of these community meetings so that assistance, such as AUSLAN signing, can be provided. Please contact Orange City Council's Manager of Community Services, Louise Geaghan on 6393 8605 or

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