Make it a mission to see Dalton exhibition

Forget about The Borgias or The Kardashians, when it comes to influential families Orange’s The Daltons had plenty of political and social influence.
Their contribution to Orange has been captured in an exhibition at the Blowes Conservatory in Cook Park and is open this Winter.
The exhibition highlights the many achievements of one of Orange’s founding families.
One of the most influential Catholic families in NSW, the Daltons were key to developing commerce in Orange.
It was a remarkable journey for James Dalton who came to Australia in 1849 as an Irish immigrant aged 15. His father arrived the following year as a convict.
In the wake of the gold rush, aged 19, James opened a store in Orange in 1853.
The Daltons went on to build local landmarks including Duntryleague, Kangaroobie, Galbally in Byng Sreet, Mena in Kite Street and the Dalton Bros shop building in Summer Street, among others.
The Dalton Fountain located in Cook Park and recently restored was donated by James Dalton who was the Mayor of Orange in 1869.
This exhibition has been placed in the Blowes Conservatory, making use of this building during the winter period, when it has been previously closed to the public.
The main display of Tuberous Begonias will be returned to the Conservatory later in the year.
The Council would like to thank the Orange and District Historical Society for providing the information and images used in this display.
ON SHOW: The Dalton exhibition at Cook park.
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