Budget 2019

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The period for community consultation on the 2019 Draft Budget has concluded. A report on the community response will be considered by staff and presented to the 25 June council meeting.

Orange City Council's annual budget for the 2019/2020 financial year is now on display for community comment.

Members of the community are invited to make comments or formal submissions about any aspect of the council's income-producing and spending plans.

On this site you can find out more about the budget by:

You can have your say by:

The deadline for budget submissions is 12 June.

A report on the community feed-back will be considered by the Council meeting on 25 June.

Orange City Council's annual budget for the 2019/2020 financial year is now on display for community comment.

Members of the community are invited to make comments or formal submissions about any aspect of the council's income-producing and spending plans.

On this site you can find out more about the budget by:

You can have your say by:

The deadline for budget submissions is 12 June.

A report on the community feed-back will be considered by the Council meeting on 25 June.

Guest Book

You can have your say about any aspect of Orange City Council's 2019/20 draft budget.

When making suggested changes to the budget, please keep in mind that Orange City Council is committed to returning  a balanced budget. Increasing funding in one area will  result in less funds being available in another.  

In order to leave your comment in this section of the site, you'll need to register with YourSay Orange, by entering a screen name and your email address. If you've registered before, that will let you make a contribution on this topic. 

While there is currently a budget surplus, this may be impacted by unexpected  extra costs during the coming year.

The deadline for comments is 12 June

You can also complete a brief survey on the budget by clicking on the 'Budget 2019 Survey' tab.
The period for community consultation on the 2019 Draft Budget has concluded. A report on the community response will be considered by staff and presented to the 25 June council meeting.
You need to be signed in to comment in this Guest Book. Click here to Sign In or Register to get involved

I seek consideration for a playground for Stirling Avenue in Wentworth Estate.

As a parent - often you have competing priorities and no time to drive them the several kilometres to one of the parks in Orange. Imagine how nice it would be to walk, ride our bikes or scooters to a park in our community?

The local wetlands are lovely. I enjoy walking around it every morning. However it is difficult for the kids - they can only ride or scooter around one side and have to come back - because there is no path around the back of the wetlands.

I have campaigned for a playground in our community for years. I have written to council a numbers of times, sometimes not hearing back. And when I have, the response from your staff has been less than appropriate.

I have had phone calls with various council staff over the past couple of years, who have told me it is not even on the radar to fund a park in the Wentworth Estate, because all of the funding was being allocated to Glenroi. I was even told by your Director Scott Maunder that council had already provided an Informal play areas such as a kick about area (at least 200m2 to allow ball games for young children) and where possible natural landscape. So absolutely nothing.

All we want simple facilities - a slide and some monkey bars, a see saw and a few other bits and pieces. I guarantee kids would flock to it every day. And it is an area which would be well looked after.

It's disappointing to see some areas continue to receive facilities when other areas continue to cry out for them. I believe the spread of funding across all areas of Orange is less than adequate. Why are some areas - in particular north Orange - favoured for playgrounds and sporting precincts, when those of us on the other side of town get nothing?

It would be great if you could let me know what I can do to help get this process going. If you need a petition done - I can get one filled out. This is an ongoing topic of concern amongst local residents. This project has much, much support.

Don't we want to see kids playing outside and having a good time? Childhood obesity has reached critical levels. While the area we live in is beautiful - due to the nature of the steep streets and major roadways of Ploughmans Lane and Cargo Road - it is too dangerous for the kids to ride to any facilities.

I look forward to discussing this matter with you.

Sarah Wright

Sarah Wright over 5 years ago