Orange City Council’s road crews are “flat out” and working on Saturdays to get on top of the council’s $15.2 million roads schedule.
Infrastructure Committee Chair Glenn Taylor said crews had completed more than 20 jobs on the list including large sections of Edward Street, Matthews Avenue, March Street and Hill Street.
“They are going absolutely flat out to get to everything on the list for Orange City Council’s record roads budget,” Cr Taylor said.

“The team was working on Saturday to get Endsleigh Avenue done as quickly as possible to minimise disruption on such a busy street.
“And after Christmas, crews will be back out there and getting stuck into Ophir Road (Northern Distributor Road to the Resource Recovery Centre) and the Aerodrome.”
Cr Taylor said tenders had been awarded for major jobs such as Clergate Road, which was expected to begin early January.
William Street is scheduled for major work which will likely be completed at night to minimise disruption and could involve a mixture of council staff and a hot mix asphalt contractor.
“William Street is going to be a big job and it’s well overdue so we’re hoping we can get the work started by mid-February,” Cr Taylor.
“William Street was never designed to handle the level of traffic it now gets and has received for the last several years as Orange has thrived and expanded.
“I’m sure once the work is completed everyone in Orange will notice a significant improvement for years to come.”
The last section of hot mix asphalt on the Northern Distributor Road between the Escort Way and Molong Road is scheduled to start in February.
Upgrades and improvements to several large sections of the Distributor are also expected to begin in February - March.
These sections include Icely Road to Bathurst Road and further work from Ophir Road to Icely Road and Astill South to Ophir Road.
“I want to hear people talking about waiting at road works rather than the condition of the road, that would be music to my ears,” Cr Taylor said.
“People often ask why the council doesn’t just fix the roads properly?
“Well, we are and will continue to do so, take a drive down Byng Street, from the Peisley Street roundabout to Sampson Street and see for yourself the difference on that road.”
Road upgrades have been completed at the following locations:
- Ophir Rd – Resource Recovery Centre to First Crossing
- Banjo Patterson Way - Ophir Rd to Rossi Dr
- Sections of Forest Road
- Two sections of Lone Pine Ave
- Churchill Ave – Fitzroy St to McLachlan St
- Edward St – Kite St to Warrendine St
- Hill St South - Prunus Ave to Benelong Pl
- Gardiner Rd - Near Hill St
- Anson St - Ophir St to Casey St
- Hill Sreett Nth - Roselawn Dr to Yellowbox Way
- Paling Street
- Austin Street
- Summer Street East
- Winter Street
- Ophir Road
- Endeavour Avenue
- Gardiner Road
- Hill Street (2 sections)
- Bletchington Street
- Anson Street
- Forest Road
- March Street
- Lone Pine Ave
- Endsleigh Ave

HILL STREET: Crews had to dig deep, at least half a metre when fixing this section of Hill STreet.